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FactCheck: Do 64% of Southern Baptists REALLY Want Female Pastors?

Religion News Service (RNS), a leftwing evangelical news outlet, ran an article promoting female clergy in the SBC under the guise of “journalizing.” Their claim was simple; a majority of Southern Baptists and a super-majority of Southern Baptist women want females in the pulpit. The article was written by Ryan Burge, a political scientist at … Read more

Remember Back When Russell Moore Promoted Patriarchy?

In what is an amazing turn of events, the leftist-progressive and “soft-complementarian” (also known as an egalitarian) and Beth Moore’s chief Southern Baptist armor bearer, Russell Moore, dropped some incredible lines in defense of Patriarchy. Yes, that’s right. You might have thought you would never live to see it, but the soft-handed yard gnome mascot … Read more

Disagreeing with Beth Moore is “Cyberbullying” and “Attacking,” Says Her SJW Allies

There are real-life consequences of the Social Justice Movement that extend well-beyond the daily Twitter orgy that regularly has evangelical SJW’s in a dogpile of slathering, self-flattering, virtue-signaling accolades and sensual backslaps. What the Social Justice Movement represents is an absolute undoing of evangelical conservatism. And we are seeing that undoing particularly in the realm … Read more

Beth Moore is Still Being Abused by Men, And it Should Stop

BETH MOORE, ABUSE VICTIM During the media outrage caused by the fake allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, Beth Moore came forward as a victim of sexual abuse. Using the #whyididn’treport hashtag, Moore said, “He lived in my house.” Immediately, Moore began to receive the positive accolades of the evangelical leftist elite who would have been content … Read more

The SEBTS Files: Detailed Proof that Critical Theory Has Taken Over Seminary

If you want to know what it looks like for avowed Marxists, globalists, political idealogues, and their dark money to take over a once-conservative seminary in the name of Social Justice, look no further than South Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forrest, North Carolina. The SBC institution is the epicenter of the ‘woke’ movement … Read more

Why We Distrust Female Spiritual Leaders

The nation’s largest Protestant denomination has largely gone theologically liberal, with the vast majority of its leaders far more resembling those thrust out of the denomination by the famous Conservative Resurgence than those who wrestled from them control. It’s not uncommon to hear Baptist preachers today equivocate on female leadership within the church, going so … Read more

An Open Letter to Southern Baptists: You Are in Sin

This is an open letter to Southern Baptists who continue to support the Cooperative Program and fund its grievous errors. That caveat, in italics, is important. I wrote this as an email to a Southern Baptist pastor and I’m making it available as an open letter to all Southern Baptists who spit upon the Bible’s … Read more

Baptists Promote Abortion as “Reproductive Justice”

Referring to your niche social concern as “justice” was popularized by Gustavo Guttierez, a Marxist and Jesuit Priest in his formation of Liberation Theology in 1971. The concept was uniquely Americanized about that same time by James Cone in his formulation of Black Liberation Theology in 1970. Since then, leftists have used Christianity to push … Read more

Southwest Baptist Alumni Disagree with ‘Official’ Report, Believe Faculty IS Heretical

In December, P&P reported that Southwest Baptist University, a Southern Baptist and Missouri Baptist Convention-affiliated school located in Bolivar, Missouri, had fired a professor for objecting to heresy. Clint Bass had been asked by officials in the Missouri Baptist Convention to research and report the theological leanings of fellow faculty because there were many reports … Read more