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ERLC, Cru, Gospel Coalition, NAE Among Soros-Funded Organizations

If you’re wondering why so many evangelical organizations are getting “woke,” wonder no more. This is a compiled list now circulating of the various organizations funded or partially funded by George Soros. In regards to evangelical or Christian institutions, we’ll remind you that Soros’ “rented evangelicals” are well-documented. Although nearly 200 organizations have been listed … Read more

Something Is Terribly Wrong at Southern Seminary

(For the New Christian Intellectual) Dr. Albert Mohler has been one of the most trusted men in the conservative evangelical world for decades. Much of that is due to his role in the latter stages of the conservative resurgence, in which he is rightly credited with bringing Southern Seminary back from the depths of theological … Read more

Soros-Funded ‘ERLC’ Says Story of Jonah is About Immigrants

The story of Jonah is included in the Minor Prophets, and it has historically been seen as a wonderful Messianic narrative about grace and redemption. However, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention – which heads up an Open Borders immigration project funded by Geroge Soros – says the story … Read more

Houston Chronicle Implicitly Attacks Biblical Gender Roles

For over three decades the highest echelon of Southern Baptist Convention leadership has been a good-ole-boys network in which an elite and powerful few effectively answer to no one but themselves. For a long time, Paige Patterson was king of the SBC mountain. He belonged there. He didn’t build the mountain, but he kept the … Read more

Southern Baptist Church Now Accepting Gay Church Members

A Southern Baptist church announced this past Sunday that it would warmly embrace homosexual church members or leaders. Following what Reformation Charlotte calls the logical conclusion of The Gospel Coalition’s promotion of celibate gay Christianity, this church is now embracing practicing gay Christianity. Forgive the lack of “scare-quotes” in the above paragraph; it would require … Read more

ERLC Leader Says, “Much of What Conservative Christianity Believes About the Bible is Wrong”

The leftist, gay-affirming feminist who works for both Liberty University and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) has finally admitted plainly that (in her opinion), “Much of what conservative Christianity believes about the Bible is wrong.” Pulpit & Pen has been calling the animal rights activist and fake anti-abortion advocate a leftist for the … Read more

“Justice Democrats” Symbol a Variation of Communist Hammer and Sickle

Democrats united around “Social Justice” have formed an organization called Justice Democrats. Not even trying to hide their Marxist ideology, their symbol is an obvious variation of the famous Communist “Hammer and Sickle” design. Justice Democrats, led by these two women, is a Congressional organization designed to help Democrats caucus together in ways that will … Read more

Matt Chandler and the Unbearable Weight of Wokeness

The Village Church, pastored by Matt Chandler, is well known for being “woke.” But apparently, that wasn’t enough to satisfy the organizers of the Circles Conference, which is billed as “a three-day creative conference for graphic & UX designers, illustrators, and makers.” David Roark, who is the communications and resources director for The Village Church, … Read more

Beth Moore Labels Christians Against Homosexuality, “Hyper-Fundamentalists”

In a continued social media meltdown, similar to the one that had the unstable and hysterical feminist take a break from Twitter back in May, Beth Moore labeled Christians explicitly opposed to homosexuality “hyper-fundamentalists.” Moore was referencing her Christian critics who have repeatedly asked her to clarify her position on homosexuality, noticing her leftward drift. … Read more

Beth Moore Deletes Anti-Homosexual Material From Past Writing

Beth Moore recently deleted portions of one of her past books in which she wrote about the sin of homosexuality. The Kindle version no longer includes the passage condemning sodomy as a transgression of God’s laws. As Beth Moore largely sidestepped an open letter from women asking where she stood on the issue, critics are … Read more

The Gospel Coalition Reinforces Redefinition of “Complementarian”

The Gospel Coalition, a progressive political organization funded by millions of dollars in mysterious dark money, is continuing to push America’s churches to the left. On the heels of the complementarian debate sparked by Beth Moore’s slamming of conventional gender roles, The Gospel Coalition is now actively redefining the term, ‘complementarian.’ TGC, which is stacked … Read more