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Russell Moore to Speak at George Soros Event

Russell Moore will be a plenary speaker at the National Immigration Forum, an organization formed and funded by Democrat financier, George Soros. The purpose of the National Immigration Forum is to advance the cause of amnesty for illegal aliens, demolish national sovereign borders, and establish a global government. In short, the National Immigration Forum would … Read more

Moore of Babylon

The Moore of Babylon? It’s not uncommon these days to use ‘click bait’ titles to grab the attention of the reading audience – however is this article title a warning of things to come? As the title suggests, the topic is Beth Moore (and her fellow NARpostles). We explore there the possibility that her ministry … Read more

What is Complementarian Feminism?

What on Earth is happening? Why are all of these evangelical leaders pushing feminism and Egalitarianism from their social media accounts, and why does it seem so coordinated? Like a wave, from Danny Akin to JD Greear to The Gospel Coalition, these same evangelical individuals and groups that once lauded the Council on Biblical Manhood and … Read more

Why The Bible Condones American Immigration Policy

Here are the facts regarding the endless virtue signaling of evangelicals in relationship to the current (and manufactured) immigration “crisis” regarding children being separated from parents. First, people who invade our country illegally should be detained until they can be tried and dealt with according to the law. Second, we do not want to incarcerate … Read more

Revoice Conference Bans Pro-Christian Activist from Attending, Refunds Registration Fees

In case you’ve yet to hear, the Revoice Conference is an event designed to celebrate “Queer Culture” within the Christian Church, to “de-sin” Same Sex Attraction (SSA), and to move American evangelicals to abandon a traditional, historic and orthodox understanding of human sexuality. Although a conference like this is standard fare among mainline liberal denominations … Read more

Rowland Springs Baptist Church and the Demonic Cult of Freemasonry: Part One – Silence and Conviction

The following article is the first of a three part testimony about my experience with the cult of Freemasonry at my former church, Rowland Spring Baptist Church.  Rowland Springs Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church in Cartersville, Georgia and is a part of the Georgia Baptist Convention and Bartow Baptist Association. Pastor Joe Ringwalt stood up … Read more

This entry is part 27 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

Danny Akin, SEBTS, Allegedly Threaten Non-Woke Faculty with Sensitivity Training and Firing

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary has been at the forefront of the Social Justice Wars of the SBC in recent months and years. A promoter of Critical Race Theory and Marxist Intersectionality, president Danny Akin has installed an Affirmative Action wing for the seminary – called the Department of Kingdom Diversity – and has promoted the … Read more

The #MeToo Movement Takes Out Paige Patterson

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) trustees were under immense outside pressure during yesterday’s meeting to oust long-term president and bulwark of the Conservative Resurgence, Paige Patterson. Patterson, an old war-horse of conservative evangelicalism, has survived many scandals over his tenure. From protecting rapist, Darrell Gilyard to enrolling Muslims in the seminary as an evangelism strategy, … Read more

Dear Ron: A Letter to “Thabiti Anyabwile” About Beth Moore

Dear Ron, First off, I’m not going to call you “Thabiti Anyabwile” and it’s not just because that eats my spellchecker alive.  Your name is Ron Burns.  You are not from Africa, you are from North Carolina.  You’re not a Muslim.  You’re a Baptist preacher.  Listen, I’d sooner call Ron Simmons “Farooq” than call you … Read more

Pro-Gay Teacher, Tony Campolo, Hopes to Convert Evangelicals to Social Activism

Pro-gay Bible teacher, Tony Campolo, hopes to convert evangelicals to social activism through his “Red Letter Revival.” Ironically, evangelical leaders in once-conservative camps like the Southern Baptist Convention and The Gospel Coalition have already beat him to it. Following on the heels of their MLK50 conference, which served to venerate Dr. King and invigorate the … Read more

Thabiti Anyabwile Says All Whites Are Complicit in Murdering Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ron Burns changed his name to Thabiti Anyabwile to identify with the Black Nationalist Movement. When he converted from Christianity to Islam and then from Islam back to social-justice Christianity, Anyabwile continued to identify with the Black Nationalist Movement and kept his name. Today, Anyabwile – a protege of Mark Dever – is a favorite … Read more

There Are Worse Things Than Hiding Easter Eggs

I’m not worried about churches that hide Easter eggs for kids once a year – I’m worried about churches that hide the Gospel from people every week. – Clayton Pruett Dr. Jack Graham’s Prestonwood Baptist Church is having their annual Easter Egg Drop – in which they dump thousands of eggs out of a helicopter for an egg … Read more