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Willy Rice's Sob Story: Ben Carson Sacrificed for the Sake of Unity

If you’ve been following Southern Baptist news, you know about the uproar that was cast by the SBC inviting Seventh Day Adventist, Dr. Ben Carson, to speak at the 2015 Pastor’s Conference. Aside from the serious theological differences that sets Southern Baptists apart from Seventh Day Adventists, it was also widely seen as an endorsement of a political candidate. In the wake of this massive outcry, a follow-up opinion was written at SBC Voices blog by Dave Matthews, basically stating that he disagreed with decision to invite Carson, but since it’s already done, for the sake of avoiding bad press, we should just shut up about it, accept it, and have lunch together.

Addressing Critics of the Discerning – Part 1

Once in a while, I’ll have a conversation with a pastor, usually a Southern Baptist pastor, who has read some of my articles, and find it puzzling that I would be calling out such leaders as Russell Moore or Ronnie Floyd. What I often notice however, is that while most of the time this pastor … Read more

Russell Moore: Advancing Socialism ”starts with the Church.”

The Southern Baptist’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission’s President, Russell Moore, has been very outspoken about the need for the Church to address racism. In fact, the majority of the SBC’s leadership has followed him into this rabbit hole and made dealing with racism their personal mission, as well as one of the official missions … Read more

The Southern Baptist Convention: A Denomination in Tatters

“He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.” Luke 16:10 What has happened to the Southern Baptist Convention? What is perhaps the United States’ last biblically faithful and conservative denomination is sliding precipitously towards … Read more

Evangelicals: Fornicating with the Harlot

There is no doubt that the word “evangelical” doesn’t mean the same thing it used to mean. The word is used to describe almost anyone who says the name “Jesus” these days. Mormons are referred to as Evangelicals, as are Jehova’s Witnesses, and other unbiblical sects like the New Apostolic Reformation. There is even a … Read more

Tommy Kelly and Doing the Right Thing

It’s all too easy to point fingers at the bad actors in American churchian life, and when we avoid self-righteousness, having removed the log from our own eye so as to see clearly to remove the specks in others’ eyes, it is actually a good thing to do. Attempts to free people from deception so … Read more

Pastor Tony Evans Says Americans Need to Grieve and Repent Over Slavery and Jim Crow

Many are aware of the ongoing debate over “racial reconciliation” going on in the Southern Baptist Convention, but few are aware of what it really entails. In fact, the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission will be hosting The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation Summit in March of 2015. Most of the Southern Baptist’s proponents of … Read more

Will the SBC Officially Announce Their Apostasy at the 2015 Annual Meeting?

Every year, right before the SBC Annual Meeting, a two day Pastors’ Conference is held with various Southern Baptist preachers speaking at the event.  This year, the 2015 conference will be held June 14th and 15th in Toledo Ohio, and will be immediately followed by the SBC Annual meeting on the 16th and 17th.   … Read more

Is Truth Racist? A Response to Dwight McKissic

Dwight McKissic, a Southern Baptist pastor (and African-American) from Arlington, Texas has an article posted at SBC Voices that accuses me of racism for my views presented in the post entitled Fergson and the Soft Bigotry of America’s Leading Evangelicals. Taking exception with my views – and the views of Southern Baptist Pastor Randy White … Read more

What Is The Movement® All About?

[In the interest of full disclosure, I never asked Ronnie Floyd out for a cup of coffee before posting this. Deal with it.] I had never really known much about Ronnie Floyd prior to hearing the news that Albert Mohler was planning on nominating Floyd for the office of president of the Southern Baptist Convention … Read more

Peter Lumpkins Endorses Jared Moore for Next President of the SBC

Peter Lumpkins – never one to be accused of utilizing fair weights and measures (Leviticus 19:36) – has chosen to endorse Jared Moore to become the next President of the Southern Baptist Convention. Well, not really. But kind of. Lumpkins, Brewton-Parker’s Vice President of Communications, is literally paid by Ergun Caner to conceal the truth … Read more