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Audio: FBC Naples Members Speak Out to Pulpit & Pen

If you’ve been following P&P, you know that FBC Naples, FL has been excommunicating church members who didn’t vote for a pastoral candidate recommended by their pulpit search committee. These members – 19% of the congregation – were concerned with the ‘woke’ tweet history of the pastoral candidate Marcus Hayes, his banning of FBCN members … Read more

FBC Naples’ Sics Pro-Gay Law Firm on Former Church Members

Holland & Knight is an international law firm with a staff of over one thousand attorneys. It is to this high-powered firm that First Baptist Church of Naples turned when it sought to discover who had been sending emails to church members which dissented from controversial actions being taken by church leadership. That a New … Read more

Free Gift for Members of FBC Naples

Our hearts break for members of First Baptist Church in Naples, Florida, whose leadership has abusively treated those who chose not to vote for a pastoral candidate because of theological and worldview concerns. Their mistreatment of the congregation, including ex-communication of members who voted against their wishes, is motivated by strong forces impressed upon the … Read more

First Baptist Naples: Fear and The Racism Ruse

Just this morning, Pulpit & Pen published an open letter to members of the First Baptist Church of Naples, offering our assistance to those members who are concerned with what appears be an ungodly and hostile takeover of their local church.* Our inbox was soon filled with communications from disaffected church members, many of whom … Read more

An Open Letter to Members of FBC Naples

Brothers and Sisters, I greet you in the most sincere warmth and goodwill. Raised a Southern Baptist, saved a Southern Baptist, baptized a Southern Baptist, educated a Southern Baptist, and ordained a Southern Baptist, I have an affinity and personal affection for your church and denomination. In fact, until last year, the church I have … Read more

JD Discusses Critical Race Theory Destroying FBC Naples on Janet Mefferd Today

JD was a guest on today’s episode of Janet Mefferd Today, discussing Critical Race Theory tearing apart FBC Naples. Of discussion was the church leadership’s oppressive treatment of its own church members, their lies about racism, SBC denominational meddling in the matter, and how changes to the Credentials Committee and Resolution 9 at the 2019 … Read more

Far from the Black: Massive Budget Shortfall at Embattled FBC Naples

Over the past few days, the leadership of First Baptist Church of Naples (Flordia) has been busy excommunicating members who rejected a proposed candidate for the pastoral office named Marcus Hayes. Ostensibly, those who voted against affirming Hayes did so out of racist motives. However, personal testimonies and leaked emails provided to Pulpit & Pen … Read more

FBC Naples Insider Speaks Out About Alleged Racism and Unbiblical Excommunications at FBC Naples.

“The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him. ” Proverbs 18:17 Hayes Wicker was the pastor of First Baptist Church of Naples (Florida) for 27 years.  Wicker, a former President of the Florida Baptist Convention and the SBC Pastors’ Conference, was such a high-profile leader and fundraiser for Baptist … Read more

HBC Naples Interim Pastor States Cardinal Rule of Elders: “Never Share Dissention or Disagreement to the Church or Publicly”

[Julie Roys |] Given that Harvest Bible Chapel is allowing its Naples campus to return to being an autonomous church, many have wondered why John Secrest, the founding pastor of that church who was fired by Harvest, is not being invited back. On Sunday, interim Pastor Russell Taylor gave the answer. Apparently, Secrest broke the cardinal rule of … Read more

Pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel Naples Asks for His Church Back in Wake of James MacDonald Controversy

[Julie Roys] John Secrest, the founding pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel Naples, today announced that he wants his church back. In an email to his congregation, Secrest said that he had asked top leadership at Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago to reverse their decision to allow Pastor James MacDonald to preach at the Naples church amid swirling controversy. He said … Read more

Texas Pro-life Group Sued for Defamation for Calling Opponents “Criminals”, could face $1,000,000 in Damages.

The pro-life group “Right to Life East Texas’ (RTLET) led by Mark Lee Dickson, has been served notice that they are being sued for defamation by baby-killing foes. And not just one lawsuit, but three separate ones by three different organizations: The Lilith Fund, the TEA Fund, and the Afiya Center. RTLET has been encouraging … Read more

The Worst Christian of 2019

This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series Worst Christian of the Year

Who is the worst Christian of 2019? On the surface, this seems like a foolish or even pharisaical question. The fact of the matter is that there are none worthy to stand righteous before God except his perfect son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Every believer struggles with sin every day and will continue to do … Read more

Nominees: The Worst Christian of 2019

This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series Worst Christian of the Year

Who out there, among the professing, has had the most deleterious effect on the health of the body of Christ in the year 2019? Using a number of criteria Pulpit & Pen has identified a list of nominees from a pool of eligible individuals (obvious charlatans and the theologically heterodox* were not included for consideration).  In … Read more