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Ben Carson, the IRS, and an Implicit Rebuke of David Uth and First Baptist Orlando

“I think the decision to disinvite (Ben Carson from the SBC Pastors Conference) is sad and more importantly wrong.” David Uth “The point about the Carson controversy is not what individual evangelicals choose to do in the voting booth. It is that events like the Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference need to be campaign-free zones. We’ve … Read more

Happy Evangelical Environmentalism Day!

“Earth Day has never been a celebration of the beauty and bounty of this awesome terrestrial ball.  It’s always been an assault on man.” – Brian Sussman Who began the not-so-secular holiday known as “Earth Day”? Three people are credited with the movement, including Gaylord Nelson (a Democratic politician from Wisconsin with a past in Marxist … Read more

Who’s Afraid of Clark Pinnock? – The LifeWay List & Moral Bankruptcy

“Hush, hush; Keep it down now.  Voices carry.” – Aimee Man Clark Pinnock is a deceased biblical scholar, theologian, and apologist.  For a time, he was a member of the faculty of a Southern Baptist seminary.  During his career he was a proponent of open theism and was supportive of annihilationism.  With regards to the eternal … Read more

Faith-Healer Asks For Prayers…For Healing. No. Really.

According to Charisma News, the preeminent faith healer, Benny Hinn, has been admitted to the hospital for shortness of breath and heart-related trouble. In fact, Hinn was in intensive care. He had just come back from a prophecy and healing crusade in Brazil, having spoken to hundreds of thousands of people in eager pursuit of … Read more

Andy Stanley: Even if you don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God, you will have a better life by following his teachings

Remember the old days, where churches had steeples and stained glass windows. Remember when there were pews, and a choir that sang edifying hymns to our Lord? Remember those days when people wore suits and ties, and ladies wore dresses and heels, trying to present their best to our God? Remember those days when children … Read more

Andy Stanley: Even if you don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God, you will have a better life by following his teachings

Remember the old days where churches had steeples and stained glass windows? Remember when there were pews and a choir that sang edifying hymns to our Lord? Remember those days when people wore suits and ties and ladies wore dresses and heels trying to present their best to our God? Remember those days when children … Read more

Russell Moore: Advancing Socialism ”starts with the Church.”

The Southern Baptist’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission’s President, Russell Moore, has been very outspoken about the need for the Church to address racism. In fact, the majority of the SBC’s leadership has followed him into this rabbit hole and made dealing with racism their personal mission, as well as one of the official missions … Read more

The Southern Baptist Convention: A Denomination in Tatters

“He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.” Luke 16:10 What has happened to the Southern Baptist Convention? What is perhaps the United States’ last biblically faithful and conservative denomination is sliding precipitously towards … Read more

Ed Stetzer, Charles Spurgeon, And Preaching to Circuses

Ed Stetzer has faced some criticism lately. Criticism, of course, that began with some unkind words to a certain friend of Pulpit & Pen on Twitter and culminated in an open letter to Lifeway by one of the victims of the entity’s pursuit for filthy lucre, a young man named Alex Malarkey, which just happened … Read more

Butts in the Seats & Money in the Pocket: Kelvin Cochran, CB Scott, and Selective Georgia Baptist Outrage

“The Georgia Baptist Convention has been greatly blessed by God. We have some of the most dedicated pastors and leaders in the history of our convention, excellent educational opportunities and resources, and the technological ability to deliver our message to the masses. In addition, we live in a state with over 7 million lost people … Read more

Evangelicals: Fornicating with the Harlot

There is no doubt that the word “evangelical” doesn’t mean the same thing it used to mean. The word is used to describe almost anyone who says the name “Jesus” these days. Mormons are referred to as Evangelicals, as are Jehova’s Witnesses, and other unbiblical sects like the New Apostolic Reformation. There is even a … Read more

Myles Munroe Is Dead: Be Filled With Sorrow And Joy

According to Charisma News “Dr. Myles Munroe, internationally-known author, bible teacher, governmental consultant and leadership mentor, was one of nine passengers on a plane that crashed in Grand Bahama on Sunday afternoon, according to multiple news reports. A Lear 36 executive jet left the Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA) for the Grand Bahama International Airport, … Read more

Poor Blacks and Rich Pastors

“Pastors are no longer solely interested in getting people to Heaven; they’ve devised intelligent ways to make good money while reaching out to souls.” Mfonobong Nsehe, Forbes Contributor “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before … Read more

User-Friendly Churches

I’m sure that most of you are familiar with the terms “seeker-sensitive” or “seeker-friendly” to designate a certain category of church. The term is ubiquitous in circles like those in which the Pulpit & Pen runs. It is used of a gamut of churches, from entirely heretical Lakewood Church in Houston and milquetoast Six Flags … Read more

Repeat Bu$iness and the Sinner’s Prayer

“I was once saved…but now I’ve asked Jesus back into my heart.” – Brewton-Parker student The mark of a successful salesman is the ability to sell the same product to the same customer more than once.   Finding new sales prospects and building relationships with them is difficult; it’s much cheaper to keep an existing customer … Read more