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Not Your Bulldog – The Passion Conference and the Pulpit & Pen

Imagine, if you will, a homeowner in his bedroom who hears someone breaking into his house. He cracks open his bedroom door and unleashes his ferocious bulldog upon the intruder. He cowers, shuts his door, and listens to the ensuing carnage. The intruder gets mauled and the bulldog bears the brunt of his defensive kicks; … Read more

Word of Faith: A Trinity of Errors

One of the most sickening things to happen to Christianity is the infiltration of the Word of Faith Movement. Those that adhere to this “theology” follow the most extreme of heretical doctrines. Word of Faith preachers are commonly seen on TV and many have amassed a large group of followers. How people are so naive … Read more

Just Announced: SBC Endorses NAR-Charismatic False Teaching

“In such a time of kaleidoscopic changes, is there anything that remains unchanged?  When so many things have proved to be untrustworthy, is there anything we can trust?   “One point, at least, is clear – we cannot trust the Church.  The visible Church, the Church as it now exists upon this earth, has fallen … Read more

Heresies: Renatism

Overview Renatism is the belief that Jesus was Born Again. The doctrine teaches that because Jesus was imputed with our sin, He was spiritually dead and had to be born again. ​This doctrine often goes alongside the belief that Jesus went to Hell. Etymology Renatism is made up of the prefix “Re”, which means “again”, … Read more

What Are Bill Johnson’s Heresies?

In the past few weeks, Bill Johnson has been the center of a lot of controversy. With Montanist apologists like Michael Brown defending his errors and whitewashing his heresies and others falling prey to his exploitation, the fact that he is a heretic at all is being questioned. Bill Johnson seriously needs to be tested … Read more

Polemics Terms: Pharisee

IMPROPER USE A “Pharisee,” according to many who misuse the term, is a “legalist” who believes in morality and/or being theologically correct. EXAMPLES A discerning Christian points out that maybe Hillsong Church’s youth pastor shouldn’t have got on stage and danced as a naked cowboy and she is called a “Pharisee” by one who thinks … Read more

Joyce Meyer Undead, David Barton Buys A Ph.D & Conan O’Brien Is Ordained The concluding line from the Charisma News article that reported on the erroneous announcement of  wolf Joyce Meyer’s death is itself a perfect example of rhetorical touche. “And please remember, not everything you see on the Internet is true!” (Insert melodic drumroll of ignominy here while pondering exactly how much on Charisma News can actually … Read more

David Platt & Raising The Dead: Is The SBC Going Full Benny?

I doubt seriously that, though the acronym fits, it’s a duly inspired move of God.  But we’re seeing just enough in the SBC of late to wonder if “Slowly Becoming Charismatic” hasn’t been a spot-on, if not previously used in critical, admonishing jest, preview of denominational things to come. It’s certainly worth pondering, particularly if … Read more

Heresies: Kenyonism (Word-Faith)

Kenyonism is one of the five heresies (along with Vinism , Osteenism, Rauschenbuschism and Theoerosism) coined by Polemics Report or its sister ministry, Pulpit and Pen. Kenyonism is so named in the tradition after naming heresies for their founders or most prominent proponents. In this case, Kenyonism is named after the founder, E.W. Kenyon (1867-1948), and is often … Read more

Heresies: Osteenism

Osteenism is one of the five heresies (along with Vinism , Kenyonism, Rauschenbuschism and Theoerosism) coined by Polemics Report or its sister ministry, Pulpit and Pen. Osteenism is so named in the tradition after naming heresies for their founders or most prominent proponents. In this case, Osteenism is named after not the founder, but perhaps the … Read more

Heresies: Montanism

Montanism is a 2nd Century heresy, still prevalent today, named after its founder, Montanus. Those who engage in the Montanism heresy sometimes speak of it as “The New Prophecy.” Montanists hold to most orthodox doctrines in their most generic forms (except the Sufficency of Scripture), but believe in new prophecies that are outside of Scripture. Montanus and his … Read more

Heresies: Audianism

An little-known but widely-practiced heresy in modern evangelicalism is Audianism. Audianism is a teaching named after its founder, Audius, who was a Syrian in the 4th Century AD. Audius taught that because God made man in his own image (Genesis 1:27), that this means that God the Father has a human form. Sometimes practitioners of … Read more

The Polemics Tracts Project!

We are designing tracts for the sake of evangelism and Polemics. The fact is, cultists and the theologically confused need Jesus, too. The problem is, they think they’re already saved. These tracts are designed to clarify for them exactly what is the Gospel, and explain why their beliefs do not accord to sound doctrine. The … Read more

William Lane Craig's Affirmation of Roman Catholicism

In my first plenary talk on Sola Fide at the Reformation Saskatchewan Conference last weekend, I gave examples of the Roman Catholic Church’s heresies. I also gave quotations from modern evangelical leaders, including Wayne Grudem, Albert Mohler, Nabeel Qureshi, Greg Laurie, Rick Warren, Kenneth Copeland and James Robison that all suggest Roman Catholics can be … Read more