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New Apostolic Reformation

Here, you will find useful resources as they relate to the New Apostolic Reformation, and it’s siblings, including Word of Faith, Latter Rain, etc. Pulpit & Pen Resources – Latter Rain Pulpit & Pen Resources – New Apostolic Reformation Pulpit & Pen Resources – Word of Faith The New Apostolic Reformation (Many Articles and Links) … Read more

Bevere & Vallotton: Two Feminists Intertwined

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.  1 John 4:1 Associating with the likes of Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, and Christine Caine makes it evident that Lisa Bevere is not concerned about a well-credentialed, Biblically-sound … Read more

An Open Letter to Dr. Michael Brown

Dr. Brown, I am sincerely thankful for your work and scholarship in a number of areas. I am particularly thankful for your work propagating a Biblical worldview regarding human sexuality. The sincerity of your beliefs, I do not believe, can be questioned. I am also thankful for your approachable nature and accessibility, as you’ve been … Read more

Why Rock Bridge?

Are you looking for a Church in the Dalton area? Consider Rock Bridge Community Church?

Elevation Music and Your Worship Team

Last week here at Pulpit & Pen I published a post entitled “Elevation Worship: Manslaughter or Murder” questioning the motivations of music ministers who include Elevation music (and music from other unbiblical organizations) in the worship services at their churches. I concluded that those ministers were in error regardless of their intent and level of … Read more

Elevation Worship: Manslaughter or Murder

Do you know the difference between first degree murder and second degree murder? Premediation. In other words, it’s a more serious crime to plan to kill someone and carry through with that plan than to deliberately kill someone in the heat of the moment. Do you know the difference between murder and manslaughter? Intent. It’s … Read more

Charismatic Prophet, Lou Engle, Says Three-Day Fast Will Stop Coronavirus

At Pulpit & Pen, we’re trying to document all the dumb (and often dangerous) things charismatics say during this coronavirus crisis. Instead of going out and healing people (so far they’re at zero healings), they just sit around and give really bad medical advice. For the record, Bethel’s affiliated pastor, Shawn Bolz, declared a prophecy that … Read more

Baptist Press Praises ‘Top Worship Songs’; Every Single One from Heretical Artists

When folks need discernment they know not to trust the Southern Baptist Convention’s public-relations arm, the Baptist Press. The fake news publication, which masquerades as journalism, serves the purpose of “pumping sunshine” on denominational affairs because it’s not an independent publication but is operated by the SBC Executive Committee. Most recently, the Baptist Press ran … Read more

Sadly, Kanye is Partnering More with NAR Heretics

Many of us had great hopes for Kanye West after he briefly aligned himself with a MacArthurite pastor in California and rumored to have associated with a Reformed Baptist church near his other home in Wyoming. Although we still hold out hopes for Kanye West and are glad to see certain transformations in his life … Read more

My Tone Offends You? It’s Mutual.

This ministry specializes in a field of theological study that is called polemics. This doctrinal discipline is as old as the church itself, and its contributions are seen in historic creeds that discern the differences between authentic and inauthentic Christian doctrine. Polemics has been used by God to clearly articulate important doctrines like the Holy … Read more

Holy Sprit: Not Welcome Here

Holy Spirit is a popular and powerful worship song currenty played on Christian radio stations and sung in Sunday Services all across America. The song was first released in 2012 by the band Jesus Culture and has since made its way westward from Redding, California, the band’s home. It’s lyrics are as follows: There’s nothing … Read more

Together with Matt Chandler

Over two years ago, I wrote a piece here at Pulpit & Pen entitled “Resetting the Evangelical Mindset on Nabeel Qureshi.” Qureshi was, at the time, a darling of the Christian apologetics community and an up-and-coming speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.  I expressed concern that the popular and well-respected apologist was participating in an event, Together 2016, with … Read more