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Bethel Now Endorsing ‘Christian Tarot Cards’ After All

Adapted with permission from a piece by churchwatcher on December 19, 2017 If the people of Bethel actually studied their bibles, they would notice that by the standards of today’s western Christendom Jesus was very judgmental at times. Consider His words to one of the churches in the book of the Revelation: “But I have … Read more

Bethel Rebukes ‘Christian Tarot’ Card Readers, Deletes Rebuke, Then Sticks Up for It

Kris Vallotton is trying to deceive the very people who should know better-the people who read what he says on his Facebook page! Within a 24 hour period he completely contradicted himself, without any explanation. Yesterday, he harshly criticized (without naming them) Ken and Jenny Hodge for using “Christian Tarot Cards,” and he spoke as … Read more

The Early Church vs. Roman Catholic Tradition

The Roman Catholic’s primary source of authority is usually the official position of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church will claim that this position is based upon the historic Church’s view throughout the centuries. However, many beliefs of the Early Church clearly contradict the official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Many of the Early … Read more

Church of The Red Kettle: What You May Not Know About The Salvation Army (Part One)

While it was provocatively illustrative of the spiritual and Scriptural abuses of the Roman Catholic church, the melodious jingle attributed to indulgence hawker Johann Tetzel has found its place in church history as, perhaps, the first Reformation-era musical heresy. (Today, of course, this genre is headlined not by Dominican papists, but by the heresy-hurling likes … Read more

Desperate Apologists for the NAR: Dembski and Qureshi Put Their Faith in Bentley and Bethel

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson While scripture demands that every believer always be ready to make a defense for his hope in Christ, the most polished defenses of the Christian worldview are expected to come from professional Christian apologists. These men spend their careers obtaining graduate-level educations … Read more

Ed Stetzer Honors NAR Heretic, Neo-Montanist and Church Growth Charlatan C. Peter Wagner’s Passing

Just recently on Friday, October 21st at 2:30 pm false apostolic teacher C. Peter Wagner passed into eternity.  One of Wagner’s best friends, “apostle” Chuck Pierce, confirmed Wagner’s death on his Facebook page Friday.  In honor of Wagner’s death, longtime friend Ed Stetzer wrote an article at Christianity Today entitled “C. Peter Wagner (1930-2016), Some … Read more

Bethel’s Kris Vallotton Embraces Anti-Trinitarian Heresy

Yesterday (September 24th), Kris Vallotton posted a quote on Facebook from a guy named Jack Taylor, who is also a member of the New Apostolic Reformation (See the post here, or the picture below). The quote said, “The Holy Spirit is Jesus without skin.” This claim removes the distinctions between the person of God the … Read more

Bethel Redding / Bill Johnson / Kris Vallotton / Etc.

Pulpit & Pen Resources Defrauding Millions: Bethel Church and Benny Hinn Together Bethel Redding, Danny Silk Mocks People Who Question Their ‘Glory Clouds’ Strange Fire Pentecostal out of Bethel Redding Attacks John MacArthur Bethel Music – Unfruitful Works of Darkness Bill Johnson’s Feelings Hurt for Being Called a False Teacher Other Resources The Berean Call: Bethel … Read more

Bethel Redding, Danny Silk Mocks People Who Question Their ‘Glory Clouds’

An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.”  – Matthew 16:4 Bethel Church, a charismatic New Apostolic Reformation church in Redding, CA, is well-known for its music. It’s theologically watered-down lyrics and emotion-stirring melodies ring through churches of all types on … Read more

Strange Fire Pentecostal Out of Bethel Redding Attacks John MacArthur

Recently an interesting Youtube video surfaced featuring John MacArthur speaking about his appearance at a Conference in Latin America, in which he stated, the people in the Hispanic world know about Jesus Christ, they know about the Bible, they know about God, they know about salvation, at least in some ways. They have Biblical terminology, because … Read more

Raising Your Hands with Brandon Lake

On a recent Sunday at a Southern Baptist Church, I was exposed to the song Gratitude by Brandon Lake. I was unfamiliar with both the song and the artist but the lyrics betrayed Lake’s Pentecostal background in short time. Gratitude is a song about the singer’s inability to adequately express his appreciation to God. That’s … Read more

Top Ten Pulpit & Pen Posts of 2020

There’s no doubt about it. The Year of Censorship wasn’t kind to the Rolex of Polemics Blogs. After a decade of failed boycotts and blacklists by America’s leftwing of evangelicalism, Facebook managed to do what they could not; mute Pulpit & Pen. And so, our publishing group, The Gideon Knox Group, has been savvily maneuvering … Read more

Word of Faith Huckster Andrew Wommack moves Healing Conference to Livestream after Staff Get Coronavirus

In true charismatic false teacher fashion, Word of Faith Huckster Andrew Wommack announced that he was converting his in-person “Healing is here conference” to a livestream event only after several members of his staff got sick from the coronavirus and unsurprisingly, were not healed by Wommack. The act of canceling healing services due to sickness, … Read more