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Worldview Weekend Contributor, Jeff Dornik, Embraces Necromantic/Occultic Evangelism

Pulpit & Pen has written about Jeff Dornik twice before, who was one of the newest members of the Worldview Weekend roster after Justin Peters, Mike Abendroth, Jesse Johnson, and Susan Heck left the podcast network last year. Dornik began to do the proverbial dirty work of Brannon Howse, attacking Phil Johnson and anyone associated … Read more

Sid Roth, Bill Hamon Detail Conversations with Michael the Angel

Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind – Colossians 2:18 “My spirit uploaded to God, and God’s spirit downloaded to me.” This is what Bill Hamon recently told Sid Roth on his program, It’s Supernatural. Hamon … Read more

James White Angrily Attacks Chris Rosebrough, Discernment

James White has been vicious toward anyone who criticizes hyper-charismaniac false prophet, Michael Brown. White, who supposedly holds to the 1689 London Baptist Confession, is supposed to believe that Cessationism and the Sufficiency of Scripture are of primary importance. After all, his Confession of Faith reads… The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible … Read more

Continuationism is NOT a Secondary Issue

This is a repost of a re-post from a guy who works – according to Brannon Howse – in the Grace to You mailroom. In reality, he’s an alright character with a blog, who has said a few smart things. What follows includes some of those smart things: A Brief Introduction I am becoming convinced … Read more

Day After Elephant Room 3, Michael Brown Whitewashes Christian Tarot Cards

One day after being Whitewashed by James White at Elephant Room 3, Michael Brown went on his program and Whitewashed ‘Christian tarot cards.’ As explained at Polemics Report, to “Whitewash” something means “to exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data.” As we have demonstrated tirelessly, Michael Brown never has … Read more

Polemics Term: Whitewash

WHITEWASH The term, “whitewash,” means: to gloss over or cover up (such as vices or crimes) or to exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data. POLEMICS USE Like the term, “Canerize,” which is named after Ergun Caner and means to make something online disappear, “Whitewash” (capital ‘W’) is named after to … Read more

Cataloging Michael Brown’s Lies About the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Part 1

  PART 1 THE BOOK THAT STARTED IT ALL: This year, a controversial book has been published and caused a ruckus in the Christian media scene. The book is called, ‘The Rise of Network Christianity: How Independent Leaders Are Changing the Religious Landscape’. It was written by Brad Christerson and Richard Flory. Sadly, judging by how they came … Read more

Preparing for Elephant Room 3: Michael Brown

  We apologize for our lack of articles today, as we’ve been preparing for Elephant Room 3, which will – tentatively – take place on January 2, 2018. We refer to it as “Elephant Room 3” because it is strikingly similar to Elephant Room 2, in which Mark Driscoll, James McDonald, and the gang at the … Read more

Nabeel Qureshi Passes into Glory

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. – Psalm 116:15 Unfortunately, Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi has lost his battle with Stage IV Stomach Cancer. This was confirmed by Qureshi’s longtime friend, David Wood. According to his penultimate vlog, Qureshi had been placed in palliative care, which is a form … Read more

Investigation Reveals Inconsistency in IHOP Financial Reporting

Pulpit & Pen has been an outspoken critic of charismatic mega-organizations such as Bethel, IHOPKC, and Hillsong. The unsound doctrine inherent in such denomination-church hybrids gives way to not only an unfruitful mission but paves the way for a debased leadership who, in many cases, end up in some kind of scandal. Moral depreciation is no stranger … Read more

Paige Patterson and IMB Praise Heterodox Anabaptists

Paige Patterson, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention and current president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, recently penned an article at the International Mission Board (IMB) website, entitled, The Anabaptists, Evangelists, and Missions. In this article, Patterson gives glowing accolades to a sub-Christian sect known historically as the Anabaptists. In the article, he states, … Read more

Heaven, Hillsong, and Heresy

The 2017 church conference circuit is in full swing and with it comes a plethora of unholy alliances. No surprise, Hillsong and Jesus Culture will headline the apostasy this year. In keeping with Paul’s exhortation from Romans 16:17-18, it behooves pastors and Christians to be aware of the sort of tactics that mainstream movements are … Read more