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National Security Group Puts Out Dire Warning About Interfaith Dialogue

[Washington, DC] The Center for Security Policy, a Washington think tank comprised of former national security experts, has put out a dire warning about Christians engaging in Interfaith Dialogue. Written by national security experts, Bill Johnson (not of Bethel Church Redding ) and James Simpson, the report highlights the intentional use of Interfaith Dialogue by both … Read more

Holy Sprit: Not Welcome Here

Holy Spirit is a popular and powerful worship song currenty played on Christian radio stations and sung in Sunday Services all across America. The song was first released in 2012 by the band Jesus Culture and has since made its way westward from Redding, California, the band’s home. It’s lyrics are as follows: There’s nothing … Read more

In Spite of Decreeing the Fire Away, 25 Bethel Staff Lose Homes in Carr Fire

Bill Johnson, the leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, claims that God has given complete power regarding what happens on Earth to man. Charismatics, like Johnson – especially those who teach Word-Faith theology, believe that they can exercise control over disease, sickness, and even weather. Bethel Church is the leading proponent of “teaching the miraculous” … Read more

After Praying Fire Down, Bethel Church Redding Prays to Make Fire Stop

Prayers are rightly lifted up for Redding, California, in the face of a growing fire that is consuming much of the outlying area and is threatening to destroy more. Several lay dead, including one firefighter, and “countless homes” are destroyed in the fire’s tunnel through Shasta County. Redding California is home of the large charismatic cult, … Read more

Spooky Similar: Comparing Matt Chandler and Bethel’s Shawn Bolz

Matt Chandler is now on the same page as Bethel Redding’s Shawn Bolz regarding kooky ways of doing charismatic things. Watch the video comparison below. Bolz and Chandler describe God giving them words to give to people, and describe receiving really bizarre mental impressions from God, apparently. People have been watching Chandler for a while, … Read more

Demolishing “Servus Christi” with Two Screenshots

Polemics ministries already face the oft-painted and unfortunate caricature of being “hyper-separationists” and “fundamentalists” who can’t play nice or get along with others. In spite of reiterating that we can find good things in the ministries of men, we may often criticize for one reason or another, still some accuse us of anathematizing people “just … Read more

Michael Brown Retweets Claim His New Book is Word from God

Michael Brown is the chief apologist for the Charismaniac movement, giving vocal defenses and stirring endorsements for men like Bill Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, and Rodney Howard Browne. Sadly, the Michael Brown you see on The Dividing Line or on his program, the Line of Fire, is not the Michael Brown that you see … Read more

Michael Brown Affirms Kenneth Copeland as a Christian Brother

Michael Brown has published a new book, which he claims will call out the excesses of charismaticism. The book is called, Playing With Holy Fire: A Wake Up Call to the Pentecostal-Charismatic Church, and will supposedly rebuke those in charismaticism that have been polluting the bathwater, wherein supposedly soak lots of precious babies. Brown has … Read more

Charismatic Makes Up “Gold Dust” (Glitter) Claim

The claim of God manifesting gold dust was popularized at Bethel Church in Redding, California. Justin Peters testifies that he knows at least one individual who is responsible for putting glitter in the vents, to cause the sign-seeking congregation to go wild in ecstatic excitement at the appearance of Mammon falling from the sky. A … Read more

James White Angrily Attacks Chris Rosebrough, Discernment

James White has been vicious toward anyone who criticizes hyper-charismaniac false prophet, Michael Brown. White, who supposedly holds to the 1689 London Baptist Confession, is supposed to believe that Cessationism and the Sufficiency of Scripture are of primary importance. After all, his Confession of Faith reads… The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible … Read more

NAR Plots Business Dominion with New Bethel School of Computer Coding

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a hyper-charismatic and Neo-Montanist movement designed to consolidate the evangelical world and conquer the globe under the 7 Mountain Mandate. This mandate, as preached by NAR apostles, is a supposed call from God to take over education, religion, family, business, government (or military), arts (or entertainment) and the media. … Read more