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Who are McKeever and Johnson? Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson are on staff at Mormonism Research Ministry (MRM), an organization dedicated to “propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to critically evaluating the differences between Mormonism and biblical Christianity”[1] This has been an interest of McKeever since his conversion to Christianity in 1973.  Having been … Read more

Todd White Responds to Claims He’s Been Preaching the Wrong Gospel- and He’s not Happy

Evangelist Todd White is pushing back on claims that he repented for not preaching the full gospel and is now newly saved, declaring that he’s been taken out of context and that his critics are sinning in doing so. White made headlines last week when he preached a sermon and declared that he repented of … Read more

Wizard Wars! A New Challenger Appears! Which Prophet will Leave Victorious!?

We told you last week how Bethel Church casts out the demon of racism with their wizard staff and mystical incantations. Well, it appears a new challenger has appeared to battle Bethel for ultimate staff supremacy. Equipped with dual offerings, symbolic of the rods of Moses and Aaron, will this newcomer emerge victorious in this … Read more

Bethel Church Casts out Demon of Racism with Wizard Staff and Incantations

Listeners of Bethel Church’s Transformation Now series were treated with a sight not usually seen when prophetess Marlene Barrett, in a bid to end racism within Bethel and the Ekklesia movement, whipped out a wizard staff- a sure sign that some tomfoolery was afoot. There, on stage, she led Bill Johnson and others through a … Read more

70+ Healing Ministries Unite for Online Conference after In-Person Gathering Canceled due to COVID-19 Fears

The International Association of Healing Ministries cancelled their massive conference that was to take place in Porta, Portugal this year, and instead will be having an online conference instead due to being constrained by the coronavirus. We reached out and asked the logical question of why not just have the event and heal everyone, given … Read more

Sid Roth Claims 95% Success Rate in Converting Unbelieving Israelis

Sid Roth is up to no good these days. When he’s not platforming every wild-eyed charismatic with a prophecy, a potion, or a ploy to push, he himself is telling tall tales about his exploits while his gullible audience eats up every word and praise him for his “keen insights” and “supernatural favor.” During a … Read more

Coronavirus is God’s Plague Upon Charismatics

Upon the top of Mt. Carmel in the 9th Century B.C., Elijah stared down the prophets of Ba’al and Ashera. They promised to be able to get their gods to move by decreeing and declaring positive confessions of their power. They beat their chests and screamed into the heavens. They cut themselves and bled to … Read more

“Faith-Healing” Bethel Redding Church Closes Because of Coronavirus

“I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness” Bill Johnson, Pastor of Bethel Church Earlier this week, I reported that the notorious New Apostolic Reformation Church, Bethel Redding, was cancelling its sought after “healing room” ministry amid fear of the Coranavirus. Reporting on the same development, the Sacramento Bee provided a quote from, … Read more

Missouri Now Prosecuting Jim Bakker Over His Snake Oil Coronavirus Cure

It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. The Missouri Attorney General has filed a suit against doomsday prophet, rapist, and tax-evader, Jim Bakker, for making his snake oil cure-all claims that we’ve been complaining about at Pulpit & Pen for years. We’ve written about Bakker’s venereal disease, AIDs, and coronavirus cure-all here, here, … Read more

When Faith-Healers Can’t Even Handle the Flu…

Bethel Church in Redding, California – which dumps chicken feathers, fog, and glitter out of its ventilation system to simulate a “glory cloud,” has a supernatural school of healing, and regularly tells tall-tales of raising the dead – has apparently closed its “healing rooms” because it’s afraid that all the touching involved will pass along … Read more

New Apostolic Reformation Selling Apostleships for $450

A growing number of charismatic evangelicals believe that the office of the Apostolate continues today. These include New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) leaders Michael Brown, Rick Joyner, Patricia King, Rodney Howard Browne and Bill Johnson. However, not all NAR leaders are selling “Apostleship” as boldly as the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders. Watch the video below. … Read more

Michael Brown Finally Names Names (Of Critics, Not Heretics)

After years of refusing to name names of problematic teachers and outright heretics, Michael Brown finally took to his webcast to bravely call out the names…of his critics. Names of charismatic charlatans who are milking the Bride of Christ for seed-faith offerings in exchange for parlor-trick miracles have still gone unmentioned by the New Apostolic … Read more

Video: Bethel Cult Members Chant to Resurrect Dead Child

Late last Friday, Bethel Church pastor, Bill Johnson, announced that it was time to let the baby girl be buried. Thanks to the superstition and witchcraft promoted by his cult, thousands of its members were hopeful that they could raise the child back to life by their ceaseless chanting. Here’s a video of one of … Read more

Olive Heiligenthal, Nabeel Qureshi, and Bethel Church: Still Dead

From Albert Mohler to the Washington Post, the death of Olive Heiligenthal is making news across the spectrum. Olive, the two-year-old daughter of Bethel Church Redding worship leader Kalley Heiligenthal died unexpectedly last Saturday night. Compounding the tragedy has been the vain, and well-publicized, attempts of Bethel Church’s congregation to resurrect the child through prayer. … Read more