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Book Review: Superheroes Can’t Save You

How often do polemics books hit the market? It’s not that often, especially from academia. Most modern scholarship, much in contrast to the work of the Patristic Fathers which was almost entirely polemical, exists to promote theological ideas rather than expose false ones. The bristling at polemical or irenic theology is in part responsible for … Read more

Gay Priest Speaks at Southern Baptist Event

ERLC AND RUSSELL MOORE ADVOCATE REDEFINING FAMILY AND PROMOTE GAY PRIEST WHO WANTS TO BABYSIT YOUR CHILDREN. [Thirty Pieces of Silver] The ERLC just completed its 2018 “Cross Shaped Family Conference” in Dallas, which was the second of an annual event. This year’s conference was a platform for ERLC President, Russell Moore, to feature his new … Read more

Shots Taken at Lifeway Headquarters

According to reports, a bullet was fired at the third floor of the Lifeway headquarters. Whether the shot was intentional or a stray bullet is unknown. Lifeway is the world’s largest retailer of false doctrine and poor theological teaching in the world and is owned by the Southern Baptist Convention. The entity sells New Age … Read more

SBTS Faculty Consult Attorney on Release of Mohler Correspondence

Anyone paying attention to wider evangelicalism – and especially that represented in the Southern Baptist Convention – is well aware of a dramatic shift in focus and tone on social issues. When Albert Mohler repented of the notion of reparative therapy (the idea that through Biblical counseling a homosexual could break their addiction to unnatural … Read more

SBC Entity Creates Affirmative Action Scholarship in Honor of Martin Luther King

As the Southern Baptist Convention is hemorrhaging members in dramatic decline and suffering from giant missions shortfalls, more than four million dollars is dedicated annually to the socially-progressive entity, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), run by former Democratic staffer, Russell Moore. For that four million dollars, the SBC has received in return a … Read more

The Benedict Option: The Fruit of a Compromised Church

…Has it come to this, that monkery is to be revived in a professedly Protestant Church?…For the love you bear to your Redeemer, be duped no longer, and by your own hatred of monkery  and priestcraft, come ye out from among them, be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing –Charles Spurgeon Evangelical Christians have recently … Read more

The “Dumb Dogs” of Charismania

Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh. For we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh.  Philippians 3:2-3 “And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.”  Acts 11:26, circa … Read more

Together2016, Ann Voskamp Declare Scripture Insufficient

Pulpit & Pen recently confirmed and reported that the Pope of Rome will be joining Southern Baptist President, along with Hillsong United, Lecrae, and many other professing evangelical Christians in Washington D.C. for an ecumenical fornication-fest. The event, dubbed Together 2016, is estimated to host over 1 million attendees. Recently, a tweet appeared from Together2016’s … Read more

Rubio, Candidate of Both Political and Evangelical Establishment

The Political Establishment  Last night’s caucus in Iowa can be summed up by one term; anti-establishment. A majority of Iowans chose to support one of two candidates that the Republican political establishment absolutely despises. The first is a billionaire whose real-life persona actually exceeds his caricature in outrageousness. The other, unlike the former, has actual long-time convictions … Read more

The “Gospel” Coalition to Include Non-Christians in Panel

In a post today, the Gospel Coalition laid out a defense for their inviting of TGC15 panelists who do not believe, well…the Gospel. Following the trend set by evangelical heavy-hitters including the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and others, The Gospel Coalition is capitalizing on the controversy in Ferguson, Missouri to focus on social justice … Read more