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Is it Time to Bring Back the Black Robes?

The vestment, robe, or cassock used to be all the rage in Protestant evangelicalism. Although associated with Catholicism in the minds of American Christians, the historical reality is that the garment was called the “Geneva Gown.” It developed among the Reformers of Western Europe who rejected the dress of the Papist clergy, but whose preachers … Read more

Vatican Invites “Pro-Abortion Globalist” to Speak, Deride Trump at Conference

Jeffrey Sachs was invited to speak at a conference at the Vatican, organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Sachs is a senior United Nations advisor, is among Time Magazine’s 100 most influential leaders, and is a renowned economist. Sachs is also the world’s foremost proponent of “population control,” advocating abortion and eugenics as a … Read more

Brannon Howse Jumps Shark, Claims Sinclair Ferguson is Grave Threat to the Church

  It may very well be that Brannon Howse doesn’t understand Christianity, given his repeated use of non-Christian commentator, Robert Spencer. Howse re-published an article first published at Spencer’s website, which took aim at Sinclair Ferguson for saying the greatest threats to Christianity are internal rather than external. Sharing the post at Worldview Weekend, Howse … Read more

Update: Tennessee Baptists Kick Out Church with Lady Impastor

Southern Baptists have historically held that the pastorate is reserved for qualified male leadership in the church. But one Southern Baptist church is making strides into new territory. First Baptist Church of Jefferson City, TN, has named a new pastor–and her name is Ellen Di Giosia. As of this writing, the church is still listed on the Southern Baptist … Read more

What Do Russell Moore and These Leftist God-Haters Have in Common? More Than You Might Expect…

Vice, which is among the top one hundred websites in America, ran an article about “The Woke Young People Trying to Make Christianity Cool Again.”  The term, Woke, is urban slang originating with the pop-culture film, The Matrix, and refers to someone who has been awakened to the important cultural realities around them (for those of … Read more

Recovering our Protestant heritage: Why Baptists should honor the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

“The loss of many Baptists to the cause of Protestantism is one reason why Rome has made such gains in the past century in the United States. It is [an] amazing…ignorance that now exists in many Independent Baptist churches and in the mainline Baptist denominations, about the Protestant Reformation…. It is only in the United … Read more

Papist to Preach Politics at FBC Dallas

Protestants around the world are preparing to celebrate Reformation Sunday in commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of protesting the Roman Catholic Church. Robert Jeffress, a Southern Baptist pastor and regular political pundit, has invited a Roman Catholic radio and television host to come and discuss, “his faith and perspective on what is happening in America.” … Read more

David Barton and the History of Basketball

Oral Roberts University had a very good men’s basketball team in 1972.  According to Wikipedia, the Oral Roberts Golden Eagles led the nation in scoring that year, averaging 105.1 points per game.  That’s no small feat for any college, especially a private religious institution that had started with only 300 students just seven years prior.  … Read more

Flag Worship and the Idolatry of American Patriotic Christianity

Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. –2 Timothy 2:23 I must admit it’s been fascinating to watch the hordes of professing Christians get fired up this past week after Donald Trump’s speech calling NFL players who kneeled during the pledge of allegiance or singing of the national anthem … Read more

Southern Baptist Church in Tennessee Names Female Pastor

Southern Baptists have historically held that the pastorate is reserved for qualified male leadership in the church. But one Southern Baptist church is making strides into new territory. First Baptist Church of Jefferson City, TN, has named a new pastor–and her name is Ellen Di Giosia. As of this writing, the church is still listed … Read more

An Apology to the Eastern Orthodox Community

As the owner and president of Pulpit & Pen, I feel that I need to issue a public apology to the Eastern Orthodox community in regards to my managing editor’s recent words. In a series of posts, Pulpit & Pen editor, RC, took it upon himself to essentially anathematize the Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff, … Read more

Hank Hanegraaff, Greek Orthodoxy, and Patterns in the Cults

With the recent defection of Hank Hanegraaff, the Bible Answer Man, to the Greek Orthodox religion, an examination of the compatibility of this religion with Biblical Christianity is in order. Unfortunately, such an examination is a difficult task where the Orthodox religion is concerned. According to an article published by the Christian Research Institute (CRI), … Read more