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Nominees: The Worst Christian of 2019

This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series Worst Christian of the Year

Who out there, among the professing, has had the most deleterious effect on the health of the body of Christ in the year 2019? Using a number of criteria Pulpit & Pen has identified a list of nominees from a pool of eligible individuals (obvious charlatans and the theologically heterodox* were not included for consideration).  In … Read more

School Bullied Into Removing Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Play

An Oklahoma school has dropped the nativity scene from their annual Christmas play after FFRF sent a threatening letter demanding they remove mentions of Jesus from the show or be sued. The horrible Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) strikes again, this time bullying a school into dropping a nativity scene from the third grade Christmas … Read more

Tax-Payers to Cover “Sex-Reassignment” Surgery in Wisconsin

[Lifesite News] – Attorneys for several gender-confused Medicaid patients announced a settlement with the state of Wisconsin on Tuesday, clearing the way for gender-reassignment treatments to begin being offered at taxpayers’ expense. Under the settlement, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services must establish a new “inclusive” policy on Medicaid coverage for transgender treatments and notify recipients … Read more

Four Important Things to Know About the Black Hebrew Israelites

The Black Hebrew Israelites have made the national news several times this year. It was the Black Hebrew Israelite cult that instigated the mob against the Covington School students (we called them at the time, “members of a preposterous and hostile cult”). But most recently, the Black Hebrew Israelites have made the news because of … Read more

Al Mohler Defends Firing of Professor with Biblical Views on Same-Sex Attraction

By this point, almost everyone knows that Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, free from the conservatism of Paige Patterson and newly staffed by an army of Social Justice drones from Albert Mohler’s Southern Seminary, fired Dr. Robert Lopez because he kept preaching that God would change the desires of homosexuals if they’re born again. Dr. Lopez … Read more

Southern Baptist Church Hosts Obama Campaign Strategists to Preach Social Justice

A church plant belonging to the Southern Baptist Convention and funded by the North American Mission Board (NAMB) recently hosted strategists from the Obama Campaign and the Democratic Party to help direct the church’s Social Justice efforts. The narcissistically titled Image Church is a church plant belonging to JD Greear’s Summit Network Partner Churches. The … Read more

Taylor Swift Announced Soros Bought Her Music Rights Just Before She Mysteriously Became Anti-Trump Activist

For years, Taylor Swift’s silence on political and cultural issues made her an adored celebrity to millions. Swift, in fact, was famously quiet during political hot-button years (so much so that it annoyed leftists). She told Time Magazine in 2012 that she doesn’t talk “about politics because it might influence other people.” Suddenly, out of … Read more

Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Calls Trump a ‘Sex-Offender’

Jonathan Merritt, a prominent journalist for various Christian publications, called President Donald Trump a “sex offender” in a recent tweet. Jonathan Merritt shares certain communicable attributes with three dollar bills. He lives life with one foot in the closet and the other closet on the fabulously gay red carpet. Merritt, who on a scale from … Read more

Vatican Defends Judas and Says Priests Should be Supportive During Assisted Suicides

Judas killed himself after betraying Jesus. A Vatican official is now defending the betrayer of Christ and promoting assisted suicide, arguing that priests should be supportive of the practice and even accompany people to help them through the life-ending process. As reported by Lifesite News, “Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, … Read more