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LDS ‘Church’ Worth as Much As Microsoft, Google, Apple and Hoarding 100 Billion

News Division

A whistle-blower complaint to the Internal Revenue Service reveals that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormon Church, has amassed more than 100 billion dollars in wealth which they are hoarding for no known reason.

According to the Washington Post, “The confidential document, received by the IRS on Nov. 21, accuses church leaders of misleading members — and possibly breaching federal tax rules — by stockpiling their surplus donations instead of using them for charitable works. It also accuses church leaders of using the tax-exempt donations to prop up a pair of businesses.”

As the WaPo also points out, “Microsoft, Alphabet [Google] and Apple each hold between $100 billion and $136 billion in cash, according to the most recent company filings. Harvard University has the country’s largest academic endowment at $40.9 billion while the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private philanthropic foundation in the world at $47.8 billion the publication noted.”

In response to questions about why the LDS Church has invested in things like shopping malls and insurance companies, a church spokesman said, “The Church does not provide information about specific transactions or financial decisions.”