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Episcopal Bishop Punished for Not Allowing Sodomy-Based Marriage

[One News Now] Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry issued a partial restriction on a New York bishop’s ministry because of his refusal to allow same-sex wedding ceremonies to be performed in his diocese. The punishment was executed against Episcopal Diocese of Albany Bishop William Love in response to a pastoral letter he released last … Read more

Pro-LGBT Jesuit Retained By Democrats as U.S. House Chaplain

[Liberty Voice] Democrats, who now hold the majority of House seats, have voted that Father Patrick J. Conroy will remain as their chaplain. They solidified their intent by granting him a new two-year contract. In April 2018, former Speaker Of The House Paul Ryan asked the Jesuit Priest to submit his resignation. Conroy agreed and … Read more

“Taking Up Serpents,” New Opera at the Kennedy Center

(RNS) — Snake-handling Pentecostals may be on the fringe of American religious culture, but a new opera brings their exuberant worship and rockabilly-inspired music to center stage this week. “Taking Up Serpents,” a 60-minute work by composer Kamala Sankaram and librettist Jerre Dye, debuts Jan. 11 and 13 at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. … Read more

United Methodist University Presidents Call for Policies to Include “Sacred Worth” of LBGTQ ‘Christians’

(RNS) — Ahead of next month’s special session on sexuality intended to resolve an issue that has dogged the United Methodist Church for decades, a group of affiliated college and university presidents issued a strong call for full inclusion of LGBTQ Christians. The group, which represents presidents of 93 United Methodist-affiliated colleges and universities, urged … Read more

Joyce Meyer Allegedly Repents of Prosperity Teaching

Joyce Meyer is a lady pastor (1 Timothy 3:2, 1 Timothy 2:12) who holds to Little God Theology – or Kenyonism – and is also known as Word-Faith Theology. All of these are subsets of the so-called Prosperity Gospel, which teaches that Jesus’ atonement provides health, wealth, and prosperity to the believer. In a recent … Read more

Pastor Affiliated with Steven Anderson Steps Down Over Prostitutes, Gambling, Drugs

[Christian News Network] FORT WORTH, Texas — The leader of a professed church in Texas affiliated with Steven Anderson’s Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona, who spoke positively of the deaths of 49 people in the 2016 Pulse homosexual nightclub massacre, has resigned after admitting to being involved with prostitutes, gambling and drugs. Donnie Romero, who … Read more

One-Eyed Calf Worshipped as God in India

A one-eyed mutant calf was born in West Benghal in India, and Hindus are now worshipping it as a god. The one-eyed calf can be seen in a video, also born without a muzzle, barely able to grasp for air and pathetically sticking out its tongue in exasperation. The disorder is called cyclopia, which is … Read more

Church Protested Because Their Sign Reads ‘Bruce Jenner is Still a Man, the Bible is Still True’

Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church, outside a Northern California town named Weed, posted a phrase on its marquee sign that reads, “Bruce Jenner is still a man. Homosexuality is still sin. The culture may change. The Bible does not.” Cue the outrage. Not everyone in Siskiyou County was pleased with the sign. A local NBC affiliate … Read more

New Social Media Censoring Software — Could it be The New Christian Gulag?

The idea started at the University of California at Berkeley. The idea that I’m talking about is software developers building an “Online Hate Index” for social media companies like Facebook and Twitter. Thus, “hate speech” could be removed without any sort of human involvement, according to Campus Reform. The “idea,” according to an article in the University … Read more

ERLC-Backed Evangelical Group Secretly Supports Expansion of Gay Rights

In the name of preserving their “religious freedom,” two prominent evangelical groups have adopted rules capitulating on the issue of sodomy in order to not face possible negative consequences in the future. Agreeing not to act on their convictions toward the LGBTQ, the organizations hope to be allowed to still have their convictions quietly. One … Read more