It appears that LGBT activists in a small California community have successfully put their target’s head on a platter. Pulpit & Pen brought to you the news of Pastor Justin Hoke posting “Bruce Jenner is still a man. Homosexuality is still
No doubt the angry LGBT activists are now celebrating the pastor’s departure, as the church refused to stand behind the man of God or the Bible’s teachings.

Hoke posted on his Facebook page:
As of today, I am no longer the pastor of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church.
After much prayer and counsel, I have decided that it is best to briefly communicate what has taken place.
1. I was informed by our other elder that he felt he could no longer follow my lead as Pastor of TBPC.
2. I was informed that essentially all but one couple in membership would leave the church if I continued as pastor of TBPC.
3. Our other elder and the couple felt that those who left would likely return if I would leave.
4. Our other elder was agreeable to stay and assume the pastoral responsibilities.Therefore it was determined that it would be in the best interest of the local body for us (TBPC and the Hoke family) to part ways.
Apparently, the public outrage was enough to cause discontent within the local congregation, which appears to value the opinion of men more than the Word of God.
May it not be said of us.
[Publisher’s Note: Let me add this commentary. If you’re a pastor, hang on to that pulpit if you can. If possible, make them fire you that blood might be upon their own head. And if you’re a church member and you see this happening, then you stand behind that man of God and tell his critics that if they want to fire him for speaking truth, they have to go through you first. – JD Hall]