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Man Up and Do Something

Idle Words (Hushed in Private)  For the last couple years, I’ve been in ongoing conversation with a number of individuals who have offered complaint after complaint regarding certain aspects of or certain individuals in American evangelicalism. Daily, if not hourly, they would give updates on people like Russell Moore, Ed Stetzer, Ronnie Floyd or others. … Read more

Should You Kill Abortion Doctors?

  A couple weeks ago I wrote a post entitled, “Why Some People Need a Good Killing: A Biblical Defense for Self-Defense.” It’s since been shared 2.2k times. I’ve not heard any complaints from anyone except for a few of the regular twitter trolls, who seem to be concerned with any sneeze I may inadvertently … Read more

Daily Roundup – September 16, 2015

Below are some articles I found interesting and worth a read.
Pro-gay, Pro-Abortion, Bernie Sanders Given Wild Applause at Apostate Liberty University.
Robert Jeffress Prays Special Blessing On Donald Trump
Shemitah is Over But Nothing Happened
103-year-old Georgia woman banned from her church
Convenient Christianity is not Genuine Christianity

False Prophet Pat Robertson says he's not psychic, God speaks directly to him.

Robertson then goes on to support his practice of divination by proclaiming that 1 Cor. 12 teaches that the Holy Spirit will “give us a word of knowledge,” in which God tells him who to perform healings on during his show. He claims that his practice has nothing to do with psychic abilities, but as with all false prophets, two way communication with God outside of Scripture is essential, and central to their practice. Since their prophecies are purposely vague and ambiguous, they become difficult to verify and or disprove in some cases, and in most cases, creates confusion and causes divisions.

Somebody Inform Evangelicals that Catholicism is Not the Answer to Homosexuality

  Karen responded glowingly… If you click the large pic above, you’ll see it take you to where it’s posted at Ignatius Press. Underneath it, you’ll see the following advertisement. “New evangelism,” of course, was a decree issued by Pope John Paul II in his Papal Encyclical, Evangelization in the Modern World. The strategy at proselytizing … Read more

Progressive Theology

In this age of progress, religious opinions move at railway speed. Within the last few weeks many have made an open advance of a very special kind; we say an open advance, for we suspect that secretly they had for a long time harbored the errors which now they have avowed. And what a revelation it is! Here, one sees a “Moderate” declaring his advance to “another gospel” in the boldest terms; and there, another, highly esteemed for his supposed love of the truth, stubbing it after the subtle manner of its most malicious foes. While some of the most perverted cunningly endeavor to appear orthodox, others of a braver nature come out in their true colors, and astonish us with the glaring hue of their heresy. That which makes manifest is light; and, however much we may deplore the unwelcome discoveries of the present controversy, we ought to be thankful that they are made, for it is better for us to know where we are, and with whom we are associating.

Chris Christie’s Strong Conservative Voice Has Something to Say to America’s Evangelicals

Pulpit & Pen usually shies away from covering politics because, as I often say, “The problem is always sin and the answer is always Gospel.” What I see in the potential presidential nomination of Chris Christie, however, is a powerful message of conservatism that evangelicals need to listen to. In fact, as a guy who … Read more

Rejoicing in Christ in a fallen world.

In the wake of recent happenings in the US that greatly affect Christians, some believers may be wondering what this world is coming to. Much of this has come as a shock to many, especially the “cultural Christian” segment, or the new religious right. After the supreme court ruling declaring it illegal for states to ban same-sex marriage, many emotions including disappointment, shock, and anger and even hatred spread throughout the dissenting population. While grieving over sin is both healthy, and righteous (Luke 6:25), we need to remember one thing–God is sovereign over all.

So while we can be disappointed, we can have opinions, we can talk, pray and express our thoughts and feelings, let’s not forget who we represent, and who we are to rejoice in–Jesus Christ.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

The Liberal Influence on Children and Karen Swallow Prior

As a teacher at a Christian university, with as much renown as Prior, her opinions are highly sought after. She writes for many publications on a regular basis, and has a clan-like following that would defend her to no end. While being tied up around the issue of homosexual affirmation, some of her other liberal ideologies have been overlooked, but should be given attention. Two important issues that can affect your children; she supports the liberal Common Core education program, and she practices and defends authentic Yoga, a form of Pagan Hindu mysticism.

SBC has mainstreamed Roman Catholic mystical experiences as legitimate

I knew without a doubt that it was the same presence I had felt in the garden as a child and things were okay. – Rifqa Bary

Roman Catholic mysticism, long abhorred by Evangelicals and Protestants, is a form of “white magic” that basically mixes pagan witchcraft with Christianity, giving the outward appearance of being of God. Often times it is reported that contact has been made with benevolent entities, who claim to be Jesus, Mary, or some other angel of light, when in reality, these beings are of darkness. The Bible strictly forbids any form of contact with the spirit world, outside of direct prayer to God alone, and God’s specific revelation through Scripture alone. (Lev 19:31, etc.) However, mystical experiences are becoming more and more popular as we approach the Lord Jesus’ inevitable return.

Russell Moore partnering with New Apostolic Reformation to advance the "Social Gospel."

The concept of “social justice” is not new, it’s been around for ages. It’s the antithesis to personal responsibility. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines “social justice” as “The objective of creating a fair and equal society in which each individual matters, their rights are recognized and protected, and decisions are made in ways that are fair and honest.” On the surface this sounds like a noble cause, but in reality, it doesn’t work that way. In practice, social justice removes the notion of personal responsibility, and places the burden of individuals on the backs of society. A society devoid of personal responsibility will naturally result in laziness, crime, and a complete lack of motivation for advancement, and eventually total collapse of the society. The social justice system comes in the form of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, disguised as something good, yet it is opposed to the will of God, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Steven Furtick – Teaching heresy about the walls of Jericho

Then he goes on to preach that coming to church lifts our perspective to be able to see beyond those walls, and that there’s something about “making and effort to get into God’s presence” that will “elevate your perspective” to be able to see past your problems and you will see that

the enemy that you were intimated by, was actually intimidated of you all along.

The Evangelical Counter-Reformation

If you ask the average Evangelical church-goer today what the difference is between Protestantism and Catholicism, you’re likely to get a variety of answers. Some will tell you that Catholics believe in a works salvation, but many won’t really understand what that means. Others may tell you that Catholics worship Mary and Protestants don’t. But the overwhelming majority are likely to have no idea what the difference is, and this is rather disturbing. While many of these people will be able to articulate the Gospel, Catholicism is quickly becoming seen as “just another denomination,” with some strange twists. They are no longer being seen as the counterfeit Church, the ancient enemy of the Gospel that the reformers fought so hard and gave their lives to expose and separate from. The muddying of these waters is not unaccounted for, however, and it comes as no surprise, since today we have so many Evangelicals afraid to speak out against Rome, and fornicating with her in many ways.

Rick Warren: 'Just Accept and Affirm everyone'

Do you know how you can tell if Rick Warren is saying something unbiblical? … if his lips are moving. Or in this case, his fingers are typing. In a recent blog post he is saying that our job as Christians is to affirm and accept people. He uses Romans 15:7, where it says, “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you,” to justify his position. But the key to this passage here is, “as Christ accepted you.” Does Christ accept us in a state of unrepentant sin? Does he affirm our sinful lifestyles, such as homosexuality? No, but apparently Rick Warren thinks he does, and that we should too. Recently, he affirmed the sodomite Elton John’s homosexuality by holding hands with him, and joking that them kissing would be the kiss heard around the world.

Rick Warren: People might not go to Heaven if you don’t tithe.

On May 17, 2015, Pastor of Saddleback Church took the opportunity during Sunday Morning worship service to make a plea for more money. He twists several Scriptures in order to guilt members of his church into believing that if they aren’t giving 10 percent of their income on a weekly basis, they will not receive the blessings of God. He then ends his message with having his members sign an oath, “pledging” to give 10 percent of their income from this point forward, and that it “saddens him” to “know that some members would be missing out on God’s blessings,” and that “people might not go to heaven” because they didn’t give their money to his church.