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SBC Today: There Must be Some Understanding

SBC Today posted a blog today about the Caner situation.  Sadly, I’ll never get the time that I spent reading it back.  I won’t bother to link it.  The SBC Today piece seems like some kind strange way of insulating Emir Caner (who may have written it himself) from criticism.  According to the Pulpit and Pen’s source, it was … Read more

Stevie Flockhart, 901, and the Next Season: Part 2

This is part 2 of a multipart series on the pastoral career of Stevie Flockhart of 901 Church in Memphis, Tennessee. Part 1 can be found here. In 2016, SonCoast Church in Boca Raton, Florida was looking for a new pastor, a younger one. As an aging church, Soncoast hoped hiring a young pastor would … Read more

Stevie Flockhart, 901, and the Next Season: Part 1

This is part 1 of a multipart series on the pastoral career of Stevie Flockhart of 901 Church in Memphis, Tennessee. A few months ago, Pulpit & Pen was contacted by disaffected members of 901 Church in Memphis, Tennessee. These members made a number of disturbing allegations about 901’s founding pastor, Stevie Flockhart. Given what … Read more

From Bad to Jonathan Howe: Baptist Press Covers for New Baptist CEO.

Last week, the Southern Baptist Convention suffered the embarrassment of learning that the interim CEO of its Executive Committee, Willie McLaurin, was a fraud. This week, Southern Baptists learned that McLaurin’s replacment belongs to a church affiliated with the theologically liberal Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF). The church is Woodmont Baptist in Nashville. The replacment is … Read more

Should Women Study Systematic Theology?

Women should study systematic theology. This is something I thought was obvious to other Christians walking around planet earth. Apparently it isn’t. Some controversy has arisen lately on Twitter (I’m not yet ready to call it “X”) as to whether half of the Christian population should study the various doctrines of Christianity. As far as … Read more

Elevation Church, Greg Locke, Julie Roys, and JD Greear Were Awful While I Was Sick

In the Halcyon days of Pulpit & Pen, new articles came out every day. There were multiple writers contributing back then and if nothing was getting published JD Hall would inform us quickly that “the website was growing cobwebs”. Unfortunately, the site has had cobwebs for a few years now; it’s just me writing. Between … Read more

Watch Queens on the Wall: Ted Cruz and Russell Moore Bungle Christian Response to Uganda’s Anti-Homosexual Law

On May 26th 2023, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed into law The Anti-Homosexual Act.  This law not only criminalizes homosexual acts but the promotion of homosexuality itself.  The act has overwhelming support in Uganada’s government, having been passed by its parliament by a vote of 348-1.  Outside of Uganda, however, the law has been severely … Read more

Elevation Music and Your Worship Team

Last week here at Pulpit & Pen I published a post entitled “Elevation Worship: Manslaughter or Murder” questioning the motivations of music ministers who include Elevation music (and music from other unbiblical organizations) in the worship services at their churches. I concluded that those ministers were in error regardless of their intent and level of … Read more

Elevation Worship: Manslaughter or Murder

Do you know the difference between first degree murder and second degree murder? Premediation. In other words, it’s a more serious crime to plan to kill someone and carry through with that plan than to deliberately kill someone in the heat of the moment. Do you know the difference between murder and manslaughter? Intent. It’s … Read more

From Black Friday to Good Friday: Easter Ad Campaigns

Every business has a busy season. In order to be successful, corporate marketing departments prepare for these busy-seasons long in advance. Advertising space is purchased and sale flyers are printed long before the first sleepy shoppers roll out of bed on Black Friday to do their Christmas shopping. Somewhere along the way, the Evangelical Industrial … Read more

Russell Moore, Tyler Zach, and the Gospel For Enneagram

Russell Moore, the former President of the ERLC and the current Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today, is a featured speaker at the upcoming (and virtual) Gospel for Enneagram Summit in April 2023. Given his extensive theological education and experience, Moore should know better than to shill for something as wicked as the Enneagram, which is either … Read more