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Watch: William Lane Craig Discredits Himself as a Christian Apologist

Many conservative Christians have been critical of renown apologist, William Lane Craig, and his methodology for defending the Christian faith. Critics cite everything from his apparent denial of biblical authority to heretical teaching on essential doctrines such as the Trinity. We believe the best way to discredit a flawed apologist is to simply let them speak … Read more

Freemasonry, Shriners, and the Masonic Lodge: Cult or Compatible with Christianity?

This entry is part 14 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

In our study today, we are going to do as Scripture commands of all true Believers in 1 Thess 5:21, “but test everything; hold fast what is good.” 1 Peter 3:15 tells us, “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you … Read more

Religious Financial Fraud: Balance Sheet for Global Christianity

Following the spectacular implosion of President Nixon’s political career in the Watergate scandal, Warner Brothers released the drama “All The President’s Men.” In a key scene informant Deep Throat tells Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, “Just follow the money.” These words became a popular motto for investigative reporters and activists opposing financial fraud. In the … Read more

Becoming Ambassadors for Christ in a War-Torn Spiritual World

Mark then, Christian, Jesus does not suffer so as to exclude your suffering. He bears a cross, not that you may escape it, but that you may endure it. Christ exempts you from sin, but not from sorrow. Remember that, and expect to suffer. –C. H. Spurgeon, Morning and Morning (New York: Sheldon and Company, … Read more

Glenn Beck’s Mormonized Rant Against Christianity

  “If everything that is called Christianity in these days is Christianity, then there is no such thing as Christianity. A name applied indiscriminately to everything designates nothing.”  B.B. Warfield His wife called with a report that set him off, enough for him to postpone his back-stage, dressing-room lunch in order to record a nearly … Read more

A Question for Rod Dreher: Am I a Christian?

Dear Mr. Dreher, I’m one of the “fundamentalist” writers here at Pulpit & Pen. I understand you don’t think very highly of us. We’ve been very forthright lately in asserting that adherents of Eastern Orthodoxy aren’t true Christians. We’ve come out like real…fundamentalists….about the whole thing. We lack the nuance of those like Dr. Mohler who, … Read more

Freemasonry and the Christian Conscience

This entry is part 11 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

On what day of the week to hold church services, going to see rated R-movies, eating or abstaining from pork and shellfish, drinking alcoholic beverages, shopping at Target, getting circumcised, boycotting Disney, dressing casually at church…these are matters of Christian liberty…these are matters of Christian conscience. What about membership and participation in the Masonic Lodge, … Read more

The Precious Blood of Christ by Charles Spurgeon

  “The Precious Blood of Christ” – 1 Peter 1:19 From Charles Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening This complete resource is available from The Daily Spurgeon available at The Spurgeon Archive.   STANDING at the foot of the cross, we see hands, and feet, and side, all distilling crimson streams of precious blood. It is “precious” … Read more

Dear Christian Mason – A Resource for Addressing Masonry in Your Local Church

This entry is part 8 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

Unfortunately, Masonic membership in autonomous evangelical churches is widespread.  The sin of Masonic association often goes unnoticed or unconsidered in many local churches.  For those Christians who are convicted by the Holy Spirit to address the sin of Freemasonry in their churches, the following letter is provided as a resource.  It can be tailored and … Read more

The Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff, Leaves the Christian Faith?

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons… –1 Timothy 4:1 There are numerous reports that Hank Hanegraaff, the well-known talk show host, and evangelical apologist known as “The Bible Answer Man,” has left the biblical Christian faith … Read more