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Charismatics Now Using “Christian” Tarot Cards

Called “Destiny Reading Cards,” charismatics – some associated with Bethel Church in Redding, California – are engaging in what is essentially tarot card reading. You can see the clip below, and then we’ll explain. They call it a “reading” and refer to the program as “Christalignment.” They don’t do “predictions,” but they will help empower … Read more

James White’s Mere Christianity Checklist and Shady Litmus Test for Brotherhood

  Michael Brown is the chief apologist, prophet and Apostle of the modern charismatic movement. He has defended and/or partnered with, in one capacity or another, every single charismatic human stain on Christendom from Benny Hinn to Joel Osteen, from Mike Bickel to Bill Johnson, from Rick Joyner to Jennifer LeClaire. Michael Brown is a … Read more

Christmas Series: Are Nativity Sets Biblical III? The Opinion of John Calvin

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Are Nativity Sets Biblical?

For the first several hundred years after Christ, images of any person of the Godhood (Jesus included) were strikingly absent from the church. By “strikingly absent” I mean, absolutely, completely lacking in any presence. Not rare, mind you – absent. Usebius, the pastor-historian, gave us insight into the church’s views on icons (images) when he … Read more

Christmas Series: Are Nativity Sets Biblical II? The Opinion of Eusebius

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Are Nativity Sets Biblical?

Eusebius of Caesarea is one of my favorite early church leaders. He was a historian, Biblical scholar, and polemicist. He became a pastor in Caesarea in about 314AD. He produced works like Demonstrations of the Gospel, Preparations for the Gospel, and On Discrepancies between the Gospels, all of them brilliant studies of the Biblical text. Eusebius is known … Read more

Christmas Series: Should You Display a Nativity Set this Christmas? Part I.

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Are Nativity Sets Biblical?

If you like the Christmas baby Jesus best, your home might be littered with Nativity sets. Is this a good or Biblical practice? I was once preaching outside the Catedral da Sé de São Paulo in Brazil, exhorting the worshippers to forsake their graven images and believe the Gospel. I went into a nearby icon shop to … Read more

A Call to Christian Modesty

This is the content of a Youth Intensive at Fellowship Baptist Church in Sidney, Montana, on the topic of Christian modesty. What is modesty? What is immodesty? How does the Bible define nudity? What is acceptable and unacceptable clothing for a Christian? What is legalism and what is antinomianism? Why does any of it matter? … Read more

Indian Guru Latest Rage Among Charismatic Christians

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj is a Hindu-turned-Charismatic Guru who blends his Hindu pujas (religious traditions) with Christian flavoring to create an interesting advertising schtick to those seeking after signs and prophecies. Selvaraj has become the latest rage among America’s charismatics, who are increasingly seeing him as a prophet, or in some cases, Apostle. Selvaraj has made … Read more

Should a Christian Celebrate Halloween?

I am writing this for my church. I think it might be helpful for others, and so I will make it available here. Clearly, certain questions are a matter of adiaphora, and no one should deny the reality that certain ethical questions fall into that category. Adiaphora is a term developed by stoic philosophers and adopted by … Read more

Should a Christian Celebrate Halloween?

I am writing this for my church. I think it might be helpful for others, and so I will make it available here. Clearly, certain questions are a matter of adiaphora, and no one should deny the reality that certain ethical questions fall into that category. Adiaphora is a term developed by stoic philosophers and … Read more

Flag Worship and the Idolatry of American Patriotic Christianity

Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. –2 Timothy 2:23 I must admit it’s been fascinating to watch the hordes of professing Christians get fired up this past week after Donald Trump’s speech calling NFL players who kneeled during the pledge of allegiance or singing of the national anthem … Read more

With the Help of “Christian” Feminists, the Blurring of Gender Identity and Gender Roles Continues On

The gender barriers continue to be under attack by the secular culture.  Those who speak confidently about how the roles of genders are ancient history, outdated modes of thought that need to be not only changed but obliterated.  In the Boy Scouts, the line has already has been compromised, wait, no, it has been erased, by … Read more