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Why Christians Don’t (and Won’t) Support Gun Control

Christians have a theological view of the world that is given us by the Holy Scriptures. Our epistemology, that is what we believe is true and why, is predicated upon our conviction that the 66 books known as the ‘Holy Bible’ is inspired, inerrant, sufficient, and true. In the overarching worldview through which we see … Read more

James White Angrily Attacks Chris Rosebrough, Discernment

James White has been vicious toward anyone who criticizes hyper-charismaniac false prophet, Michael Brown. White, who supposedly holds to the 1689 London Baptist Confession, is supposed to believe that Cessationism and the Sufficiency of Scripture are of primary importance. After all, his Confession of Faith reads… The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible … Read more

Celebrating the Christian Legacy of Robert E. Lee

  2 Tim. 2:3 – “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” One writer called General Lee, “The portrait of a soldier.” Prime Minister Winston Churchill wrote of Lee, “His noble presence and gentle, kindly manner were sustained by religious faith and an exalted character.” His minister told him, “If you are as good a … Read more

Ed Stetzer Promotes False Prophetess, Christine Caine

Recently, Pastrix Christine Caine released a new devotional called Unshakable and was interviewed by Ed Stetzer which was highlighted on his The Exchange and carried by Christianity Today. Once again, Ed Stetzer’s interview only goes to prove how out of touch he is with biblical Christianity and what a danger his is to the undiscerning … Read more

Day After Elephant Room 3, Michael Brown Whitewashes Christian Tarot Cards

One day after being Whitewashed by James White at Elephant Room 3, Michael Brown went on his program and Whitewashed ‘Christian tarot cards.’ As explained at Polemics Report, to “Whitewash” something means “to exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data.” As we have demonstrated tirelessly, Michael Brown never has … Read more

Hillsong Follows Sleazy Christmas Special With Another Sensuality Show

In 2015, Hillsong performed their now-infamous “Sleazy Night” Christmas program. Steven Kozar at Pirate Christian Radio wrote… Aesthetically, it’s just weird, confusing and embarrassing. Hillsong Music Director: “Hey everybody, I’ve got a great idea! Let’s take the beloved and peaceful Christmas hymn ‘Silent Night’ and turn it into a loud, obnoxious, roaring twenties style, Las Vegas big-band … Read more

Christmas Series: Are Nativity Sets Biblical? Part V, Francis Turretin

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Are Nativity Sets Biblical?

In our first post in this series, we explained the Second Commandment and gave a historical survey of Christian thought on the topic of icons – or images – of God the Son. In the second post, we discussed the opinion of early church pastor and historian, Eusebius. In our third post, we gave the opinion of John Calvin … Read more

Bethel Now Endorsing ‘Christian Tarot Cards’ After All

Adapted with permission from a piece by churchwatcher on December 19, 2017 If the people of Bethel actually studied their bibles, they would notice that by the standards of today’s western Christendom Jesus was very judgmental at times. Consider His words to one of the churches in the book of the Revelation: “But I have … Read more

Leftist Apostate Says Ken Ham is Ruining Christianity

Benjamin Corey recently attempted to take Ken Ham to task for claiming that a Biblical creation narrative is foundational to Christianity. Corey is a progressive liberal and self-professed “Anabaptist,” although he is best described as an apostate who has denied the basic tenets of Biblical Christianity. Corey is a figure within the dying Emerging Church … Read more

Bethel Rebukes ‘Christian Tarot’ Card Readers, Deletes Rebuke, Then Sticks Up for It

Kris Vallotton is trying to deceive the very people who should know better-the people who read what he says on his Facebook page! Within a 24 hour period he completely contradicted himself, without any explanation. Yesterday, he harshly criticized (without naming them) Ken and Jenny Hodge for using “Christian Tarot Cards,” and he spoke as … Read more

Christmas Series: Are Nativity Sets Biblical Part IV…The 5 Worst Nativity Sets (Maybe)

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Are Nativity Sets Biblical?

Legalism, in theological parlance, is either (A) making up laws where they do not already exist in the Bible or (B) believing one is saved by following Biblical laws. For example, demanding that cullotes be the Biblical standard of modesty (when other garments are also modest) is legalism. Calling adultery a sin, on the other … Read more