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Who is the Man Afraid to Be Alone with James White, Kyle J. Howard?

With James Riady, a corrupt Globalist and leftist financier funding Reformed Theological Seminary and other Calvinist-leaning institutions, and with George Soros funding projects of evangelicals like Russell Moore through his Open Societies Foundation, it’s reasonable to question whether or not outspoken individuals in our institutions are change agents for well-funded political causes. How do Marxists, … Read more

To Our Black Readers: Kyle Howard and the Florida-Georgia Line

Dear Black Readers, Until recently the worst thing I could think of when I considered the border between my state of residence and the Sunshine State to the south was the deplorable “bro country” music group Florida Georgia Line. Now it’s Kyle J. Howard. Evangelical Twitter’s resident race-baiting “racial trauma counselor” recently made the wild … Read more

Vouching for Kyle J Howard

Author’s Note:  Last week, a controversial tweet was sent from the Pulpit & Pen twitter account which included a cartoon caricature of Kyle Howard.  This post was planned in advance of that tweet and is unrelated to its submission or the negative reaction it received.   Kyle J. Howard is a self-described “racial trauma” counselor. To his credit, … Read more

SBC Leadership Thinks You’re Stupid

In case you need another reason the leave the nation’s largest awful denomination, add to it the fact that its leadership thinks you have an IQ of Jory Micah. Over the last decade, P&P has chronicled roughly 4,396,301 reasons why you should leave the Southern Baptist Convention (I’m rounding up). Literally, a new reason is … Read more

The Gospel Coalition Compares Kyle Rittenhouse to Mass shooter Dylan Roof

The Gospel Coalition, seemingly on a suicide mission to shed whatever last vestiges it had as a credible gospel-centered organization, released an article by member Dr. K. Edward Copeland that compared the actions of 17-year Kyle Rittenhouse who shot three assailants in self-defense in Kenosha, to the Charleston Church shooter Dylan Roof. The post, which … Read more

Kyle Rittenhouse and Biblical Self Defense

We should all be so blessed as to have a son like Kyle Rittenhouse. If only we were all so worthy of young men like him, our land would be richly blessed. That there is pervasive moral unclarity regarding his actions and by some evangelicals, even a maligning of his character, speaks of the failure … Read more

Babylon Bee won’t Apologize to Critics after being Accused of Racism over Juneteeth Post

The Babylon Bee has come under fire by several prominent-ish evangelicals and laypeople after posting an article that critics say is nothing more than full-blown racism disguised as unfunny satire. The offending post titled, “Chick-Fil-A Now Open On Sunday But Only For Black People, was clarified by The Bee as poking fun at the fast … Read more

Report: Minorities Are Vandalizing Their Own Property and Blaming Conservatives

Why are America’s ethnic minorities and sexual deviants busy committing hate crimes on themselves? This is the question that can perhaps be answered by Mahagany Teague, a 41-year-old black Johnson City, Tennessee, woman who carved “White Pride” into the sidewalk outside a black-owned business. Teague has been arrested for framing innocent people for her racist … Read more

Former Theonomist Meets Up with Fake Former Gang Member

Once the most prominent theonomists still living, Joel McDurmon has become a leftist social gospel advocate far removed from his former position as a conservative firebrand. McDurmon recently met up with a white-privileged social gospel proponent largely propped up by Beth Moore and Russell Moore, who has lied about his supposed former life as a … Read more

Beth Moore Toadie Says White People Like Hunting Because They Want to ‘Exert Power’ Over Things

An acolyte of Beth Moore who grew up living a privileged life in an upscale white suburb, Kyle J. Howard, claims that white people like to hunt because they want to exert control. He claimed that if white people can’t exert control over people, they’ll settle for exerting power over animals. Kyle J. Howard refers … Read more

Privileged White Man Claims that Homeschool is a Racist Plot

In Critical Race Theory, privilege equals “whiteness” and oppression equals “blackness.” Combined with the fact that Kyle J. Howard was raised by a set of highly-affluent, upper-class attorney parents in a posh suburb (one of whom was white), this means that according to the “helpful analytical tool” of Critical Race Theory, Howard is a privileged … Read more

The Cesspool of ‘Reformed’ Facebook Groups and the Scourge of Social Media’s Doctrinal Cuckolds

There is a growing plague of Facebook groups whose self-identification as ‘Reformed’ is as dubious as Bruce’s Jenner’s identity as a woman. The only difference is that these groups are significantly more estrogen-fueled than Jenner himself. FAUX-REFORMED FACEBOOK ‘FANTASY THEOLOGY’ GROUPS These self-pronounced ‘Reformed’ groups are, on average, no more Reformed than – as Spurgeon … Read more

There is No Black Christianity

It is a common assumption among African American Christians that they are the “Black Church” and that they have unique needs and thereby are distinct from “White Christianity.” Is this a legitimate matter? A prominent spokesman, Kyle J. Howard, has spoken of ethnic matters grounded in history as “African American concerns.” See his article here. … Read more

Victim Celebrity, Rachael Denhollander, Insists David Raped Bathsheba. But Did He?

Rachel Denhollander might make a great victim, but she’s a terrible theologian. After being victimized by Olympic doctor, Larry Nassar, Rachael Denhollander courageously spoke-out and led the choir of right-minded folks calling for criminal justice. And then Denhollander presented the Gospel in her victim impact testimony, which was touching. After the spotlight of the mainstream … Read more