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Ronnie “Ezekiel” Floyd Stands In For An Absent Benny Hinn in SBC Prayer Festival

If you web wander over to the Baptist Press today (June 15) – today being the day after Ronnie Floyd’s 2016 National Call to Prayer for Spiritual Leadership, Revived Churches Nationwide, and Global Awakening – you will find numerous stories about the Southern Baptist Convention’s second day of business. There was, of course, the vote for … Read more

A Christian Apologetic for Reactions to the Orlando Massacre

In the wake of the tragic slaughter and maiming of over 100 people human beings at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida by a young Muslim claiming allegiance to ISIS, Christians must be prepared to make a defense for their faith.  In both Christian and Muslim theology, homosexuality is considered an abominable sin.  Under (Muslim) Sharia Law, those … Read more

Touch Not God’s Anointed & Don’t Talk To Him Either

Thom Rainer, President AND CEO of LifeWay, the Southern Baptist Convention’s ground zero for false teaching, did NOT say that. But, if you spend a little time perusing his website, you might think he did. Rainer is vocal about his support, advice, guidance, and defense of pastors.  Okay.  That’s fine. But defense?  From whom do … Read more

Andy Stanley: “We’re On The Subway To Hell…”

“Theology is simply that part of religion that requires brains.”  G.K. Chesterton I’m not much of a Chesterton fan, but he surely could whip out the incisive witticisms. Still, I’m even less of an Andy Stanley fan. Stanley, the (do I have to call him) “pastor” of North Point Church in Atlanta, just wrapped up … Read more

Cruise with a Cause: Eddie Long, John Hagee, Ergun Caner, LeCrae, and Johnny Hunt Milk the Gospel Like a Cow of Bashaan

Not content to make their livings simply preaching God’s word and providing spiritual guidance to the members of the congregations, many church pastors seek to further monetize their holy callings by participating in Christian travel offerings.  The business model is simple; pastors provide a base (their own congregation) who can purchase tickets from travel service providers in … Read more

Discernment Challenge: If You See Something, Say Something

If You See Something, Say Something is a public service campaign started by the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority, now licensed by the Department of Homeland Security and has become popularized in use by police departments and transit officers across the country. It’s printed on posters and in radio PSAs, announced over loud speakers at … Read more

LOTZ … Of Nonsense

While discernment is a mandated chore for every Christian, one that can only be finely honed by the Spirit-illuminated study of Scripture, sometimes it doesn’t take a whole bunch of that skill to recognize the smell of hermeneutical road kill that’s trying to be passed off as spiritual barbecue. Such is the case with Anne … Read more

The Disgusting Taste of a Complacent Church

You will recognize them by their fruits. – ( Matthew 7:16a) Complacency plagues the professing church, especially in America. The vast majority of professing Christians are living comfortably, lavishly, and without any sense of urgency in their mission. The church, molested by the likes of Joel Osteen’s prosperity propaganda, or Andy Stanley’s moralizing “follow Jesus, … Read more

Calvinism and Corruption: Louisiana College’s Real Story

This week, a news outlet that faithfully reports on Baptist news (obviously not the Baptist Press) – the Town Talk – reported that Joe Aguillard has been locked out of his office, escorted from campus, fired from his position, and had his title of President Emeritus removed. Rondall Reynoso filled us in on the details, … Read more

Louisiana College: Aguillard Fired!

**Editor’s note – This post was written by Rondall Reynoso and appeared first at Faith on View. It has been a long time since I wrote about Louisiana College. It has been just over a year and a half. I am writing today because there are developments that essentially put an end to a long and … Read more

Theonomy is Dead

  On this episode of P&P, JD talks about Joel McDurmon’s departure from theonomy and rejection of 1st Table enforcement and Mosaic penology. He also answers a number of sincere questions and also has a few words for Triablogue, concerning one of their recent posts. As always, you can listen above or download and listen … Read more

THE SBC’S Gospel Inferiority Complex

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”  Proverbs 29:18 There are two kinds of people in the Southern Baptist Convention.  This will be evident to you, if you are a Southern Baptist and if you’re paying any attention to the accelerating pace of our modern downgrade. These two groups aren’t the sheep and the … Read more

Ding Dong. The Onomy is Dead.

I wrote Embers of a Dying Fire to explain my post-debate thoughts relating to last year’s theonomy debate with Joel McDurmon. Our debate, unlike the the 1988 Hunt-Ice/Demar-North debate that focused on eschatology, centered on the core issue in theonomy. The resolutions was, “The Mosaic Civil Laws Are Obligatory for Today,” and struck at the seminal, … Read more

The Entertainers: The Charisma of Personality Cult Pastors

“I am the entertainer, the idol of my age; I make all kind of money, when I go on the stage.” Billy Joel, The Entertainer There is emerging and has emerged a new breed of pastor pushing a new brand of church.  Though these emerging men call themselves pastors, they are anything but shepherds.  Though … Read more