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Your Best Life Now – A Polemical Review

Heresies taught in this book (please click links for explanation): Kenyonism Osteenism Montanism  Review Thank you for reading this. Itʼs important for you to take this for what it is, a biblical critique of the book you just bought, Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential. The basic premise of … Read more

Heresies: Kenyonism (Word-Faith)

Kenyonism is one of the five heresies (along with Vinism , Osteenism, Rauschenbuschism and Theoerosism) coined by Polemics Report or its sister ministry, Pulpit and Pen. Kenyonism is so named in the tradition after naming heresies for their founders or most prominent proponents. In this case, Kenyonism is named after the founder, E.W. Kenyon (1867-1948), and is often … Read more

Heresies: Osteenism

Osteenism is one of the five heresies (along with Vinism , Kenyonism, Rauschenbuschism and Theoerosism) coined by Polemics Report or its sister ministry, Pulpit and Pen. Osteenism is so named in the tradition after naming heresies for their founders or most prominent proponents. In this case, Osteenism is named after not the founder, but perhaps the … Read more

Elevation’s Code Orange Revival – 10 Day Heresy Parade

Remember a few years ago when Matt Chandler rained on Steven Furtick’s parade? It was at Elevation Church’s 2012 Code Orange Revival. Chandler was invited as a guest speaker at, well, except for Chandler himself, this perfidious event adorned with scripture-twisting fabricators of false glory. Furtick, who is well known for reading himself into a biblical … Read more

A Report on The Farm League Of Prophetically Anointed Femme Fatales

  One would think that with the growing, evident depravity in the world today, a “prophet to all nations” would focus her message on more spiritually profound, eternally consequential matters than calorie counting and dropping a couple of dress sizes. Something ala John The Baptist, perhaps. “Repent and believe.”  You know.  Alas, for one femme fatale … Read more

A Moment For Discernment In Books

I haven’t looked at the “Christian Bestsellers” list, as compiled by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, in quite some time. I made the mistake of doing so this morning. You can find the list HERE. Just be warned, if you practice discernment (as you should, 1 Thessalonians 5:21) and have concern for the right handling … Read more

The Polemics Tracts Project!

We are designing tracts for the sake of evangelism and Polemics. The fact is, cultists and the theologically confused need Jesus, too. The problem is, they think they’re already saved. These tracts are designed to clarify for them exactly what is the Gospel, and explain why their beliefs do not accord to sound doctrine. The … Read more

False Teachers … They’re Not Just on TBN

Bearing a rhetorically inverse relationship, it seems, to the believer’s duty to discernment is the occasionally seen-on-a-meme quote by Joseph Heller, from his work Catch-22, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.” To be sure, for the Christian, the enemy is always on the prowl.  He is always after believing prey of … Read more

Baptist Leaders Demand Newspapers Not Criticize Entity Heads

Southern Baptists are our own best cheerleaders. The ubiquitous, distinguished sound of back-slapping can be heard long after the annual convention is held. Regardless of whatever stereotypical posturing-reboot the leadership masterminds (this year it was providing yet another chest-thumping denunciation of racism), we’re all sure it was ground-breaking, history-making and brave. Whatever dead horse we decide to beat, … Read more

Dobson Reports it was Charismaniac Prophetess Who Led Trump to Christ

Maybe Dobson’s source is somebody in the room of prosperity charismatics who laid hands on him and anointed him along with Robert Jeffress, Paula White, Mike Murdock or David Jeremiah. That’s what I wrote in the piece outlining the soteriological Sinner’s Prayer-related problems behind Dobson’s declaration of Trumps baby-Christian status and recent conversion. And as Dave … Read more

The Supreme Court Does the Pro-Life Movement a Favor

(Pictured above: The Planned Parenthood mega-center in Houston, TX, incidentally located just a short distance from Joel Osteen’s Six Flags Over Jesus.) The well-heeled professionals who lead the pro-life movement know what’s coming. This is how the game works: the pro-life leaders shamelessly raise money to “fight abortion” from the pew-sitting hoi polloi, then they … Read more

The SBC Waltzes Down Apostasy Lane

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?” “Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?” For from him and through … Read more

Stetzer Asks SBC to Join Liberal-Progressive Ecumenical Organization

On October 22, 2015 meeting, Ed Stetzer spoke to a group of radical Islamic extremists, being paid to give them Southern Baptist-owned data and explained how they can better reach evangelicals. Yes, that’s right. Stetzer met with radical Islamic extremists and assisted them in brainstorming how to proselytize  evangelicals. The Southern Baptist talking head and former Lifeway executive spoke … Read more