Bart Barber is an extraordinary example of a professional idiot. A derelict pastor and Quisling compromiser on nearly everything that matters, the man has sold his soul to the liberal front-organization known as the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. That is not news, but the ERLC has ordered churches to close based upon the government’s whims and so Barber, who exchanged his courage for ERLC finger sandwiches, is out attacking churches that will gather in worship on Sunday.
Of course, Russell Moore – the Democrat who runs the ERLC Social Justice organization – is a self-professed Communitarian, who doesn’t believe liberties are absolute and thinks that personal rights (like the Freedom of Religion) must be transcended by public welfare (as defined by Democrats like Russell Moore). It makes sense for Moore to urge churches to close, even though he lobbies to have mosques open. It makes far less sense for a pastor to attack churches for shining in the darkness.
But then again, Barber is an extraordinary professional idiot. When his church is open he hosts guests like Hillary Clinton-endorsing socialist and race-baiter, Dwight McKissic. Maybe it’s good that Barber’s church be closed (for good, hopefully).
But why the attack on faithful churches?

Is it really a pandemic that is so horrible it requires the church to pack it up and go home? Is it really?
Well guess what? The Planned Parenthood clinic 40 minutes from Bart Barber’s church is still open for business (see below).

Tell me again, what is Bart Barber’s community “trying to accomplish” that requires churches to close and Planned Parenthood clinics to remain open? Abortion is an essential service and worship of the Lord Jesus is not?
These aren’t men. These aren’t even mice. These are the devil’s cuckolds who masquerade as pastors, effeminate and weak in all of their ways. They are worse than summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. They are cowards, and they are not worthy of even this world, let alone the one to come. The blind are leading the blind, and men like Bart Barber are literally the worst the church has to offer.