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Rosaria Butterfield Promotes Sam Allberry’s Theology, Catholic Priest Who Says God is Gay, and Occultic Scholar

Whenever one mentions the topic of homosexuality around conservative Christians, he or she is usually met with “Have you listened to Rosaria Butterfield? She is holding the line on these issues.” Not being one who relishes an argument, I often sigh inwardly to encounter these comments. I get it. I followed Butterfield as a fan … Read more

Tim Keller’s Redeemer Church Calls for More Same Sex Intimacy in Churches

Last week Redeemer Church in Manhattan sponsored a training event for all their New York City churches which featured Tim Keller and Rebecca McLaughlin. Tim Keller is the founding pastor of the highly influential Redeemer enterprise and co-founder of The Gospel Coalition (TGC), a political organization which aims to move Evangelicals away from their Biblical … Read more

Eric Mason Slanders James White as Racist With Out-of-Context Video

A leading Social Justice activist and Popularity Gospel preacher, Eric Mason, has implicitly accused Phoenix apologist, James White, of racism with an out-of-context snippet of an old Dividing Line episode in which White was addressing the Black Hebrew Israelite cult. Mason then sent his many fans to attack White as a bigoted white supremacist in … Read more

Video: Formerly Gay Man Stuns with “Nothing But the Blood” in U.S. Capitol

The Gospel Coalition is tramping out a gaggle of homosexuals (Sam Allberry, Rebecca McLaughlin, Rachel Gilson, Jackie Hill Perry, and many others) who still struggle with their queerness and haven’t yet been set free indeed from their former lusts.Their singular message is this: God will not change your desires, so learn to deal with them. … Read more

New Website, Disrn, Needs to Work on Its Discernment

This week, fledgling Christian news organization released two opinion pieces covering the flap up over John MacArthur’s “go home” advice to Beth Moore. Pulpit & Pen would love to see 1000 discerning competitors outdo it in the mission to fill the world with godly discernment. But judging from its handling of the Beth Moore … Read more

Good News: Egalitarianism Has Been Totally Eradicated in American Evangelicalism

After a quick survey of American evangelicalism in 2019, it’s been suddenly discovered – much to everyone’s surprise – that there are no egalitarians any longer in existence. This may be hard for some to believe, given the radical shift toward acceptance of females in ministry, but egalitarianism apparently has been totally eradicated. Egalitarianism is … Read more

Grace to Her: John MacArthur Tells Beth Moore How to Get Home

Last weekend, John MacArthur was asked at a conference to voice his thoughts on Beth Moore, the lady preacher who feels called to speak for God and preach from Baptist pulpits. Dr. MacArthur addressed Beth’s unbiblical agenda succinctly: “Go Home.” The howls of protest reverberated from all the feminist and effeminate corners of Big Evangelicalism: … Read more

An Open Letter to Erick Erickson re: Beth Moore

Hi Erick, You have a great website, The Resurgent (I link it to show you courtesy, as I usually don’t link lesser-known blog sites). Truthfully though, I’ve never listened to your radio show. I’m more of a Steve Deace kind of guy (no offense). I admire a man who knows his theology well enough to … Read more

Anyabwile is At It Again as He Claims Reparations are Biblical

Social justice warrior, Thabiti Anyabwile, is up to his old tricks. This darling of the Gospel Coalition wants everyone to believe that “reparations” is a biblically supported idea. He attempts to do this by affirming that a “principle” of reparations is biblical even though debate must ensue for the specific programs, policies, and most importantly, … Read more

Thomas Kidd Says it’s Okay to Vote for Immoral Policy Advocates

(Reformation Charlotte) For those of you who are too dim-witted to be able to see the difference between the Democrat and the Republican party, let me make it clear for you. The Republican party is most certainly not the savior of America, but the Democrat party is absolutely the trophy prize of Hell and Satan … Read more

The Cesspool of ‘Reformed’ Facebook Groups and the Scourge of Social Media’s Doctrinal Cuckolds

There is a growing plague of Facebook groups whose self-identification as ‘Reformed’ is as dubious as Bruce’s Jenner’s identity as a woman. The only difference is that these groups are significantly more estrogen-fueled than Jenner himself. FAUX-REFORMED FACEBOOK ‘FANTASY THEOLOGY’ GROUPS These self-pronounced ‘Reformed’ groups are, on average, no more Reformed than – as Spurgeon … Read more