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Theologian Calls out Gospel Coalition/ Joe Carter for Hypocrisy on Attacking Roy Moore But Celebrating MLK Jr.

[Editor’s Note: The following is from Robert Gagnon’s Facebook page. Gagnon is a staunch supporter of traditional marriage and Judeo-Christian values. While the George Soros-funded groups like the Evangelical Immigration Table and other progressive-leftists like Russell Moore (who serves on the board of The Gospel Coalition) have provided non-stop attacks upon the alleged womanizer, Roy … Read more

The Social Gospel Coalition, Jared Wilson, Publish Bizarre Reading List for Pastors

Jared Wilson, who’s a part of the Social Gospel Coalition, but who I don’t think we’ve ever blogged about before, has posted a bizarre reading list on the TSGC website. He explains: Liberty Baptist Church recently launched our Pastoral Training Center, an 18-month residency program for men training for ministry. Currently 13 guys are working through the … Read more

The “Gospel” Coalition to Include Non-Christians in Panel

In a post today, the Gospel Coalition laid out a defense for their inviting of TGC15 panelists who do not believe, well…the Gospel. Following the trend set by evangelical heavy-hitters including the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and others, The Gospel Coalition is capitalizing on the controversy in Ferguson, Missouri to focus on social justice … Read more

Southern Baptist President Says Supporting “Black Lives Matter” is a ‘Gospel Issue’

Earlier today, the President of the Southern Baptist Convention, JD Greear, used his annual address to promote social justice, signal his virtue, call for affirmative action in denominational hiring, and support Black Lives Matter. Greear gave his annual address virtually because the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting was canceled due to the Cornavirus Panic of … Read more

ERLC Runs Tribute to Kobe Bryant’s “Legacy,” Doesn’t Point Out Obvious or Mention the Gospel

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is a godless, Christless, gospel-void organization designed to elect Democrats to office by encouraging Christians to not vote. The organization, owned and operated by the Southern Baptist Convention, has nothing much to do with ethics or religious liberty. In fact, it has little to do with Christianity at … Read more

Why Racial Reparations Are Anti-Gospel

Ron Burns is a Black Nationalist, which is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. In 1988, Burns was drawn to Islam because of its identification with the Black Nationalist Movement. Burn’s family, especially his brother, had a history of violence against police and racism against white people. After supposedly converting … Read more

Why Gentrification is a Beautiful Picture of the Gospel

The Social Justice movement in evangelicalism is a political movement, not a theological one. This is why the theology of those who are ‘woke’ into a life of endless virtue signaling suffers so terribly. The worldly philsophies and vain deceits that have taken them captive (Colossians 2:8), chiefly Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory are … Read more

The Strange Coalition Against MacArthur’s “Social Justice Statement”

Technically, it wasn’t John MacArthur who was most responsible for The Dallas Statement, also known as the “Social Justice and the Gospel Statement.” MacArthur’s name, however, stands out as hovering above the rest in notoriety. In actuality, the statement was very much a grass-roots effort of concerned evangelicals who have stood witness as a political … Read more

Pratt Gave Gospel Better than Pence? Read the Dumbest Thing on Twitter Yesterday

It’s not easy going through life being stupid. You know, unable to reason, cognitively ill-prepared to weigh facts and evidence, intellectually aloof, cerebrally challenged…you get it. It’s especially hard to operate with a brain almost entirely programmed by the gods of this age while convincing others that you’re smart. And yet, that is exactly what … Read more

Lifeway Curriculum Promotes Roman Catholic Priest as Gospel Preacher

  Lifeway “Christian” Resources is an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention. For articles about how truly terrible Lifeway is and how it has turned the Southern Baptist Convention into the world’s largest retailer of false doctrine, click here. Usually, Lifeway’s really bad theology is peddled through it’s retail outlets – Catholic mysticism, New Age, … Read more

Book Review: The New Calvinists; Changing the Gospel

Published in 2014, clearly I am late to the party, but I wanted to give a brief review of this book because I found it a valuable and helpful primer on the problems of the so-called New Calvinism. Written by Dr. E.S. Williams, a medical physician and layman in the church of Charles Spurgeon – … Read more

Heresies: Rauschenbuschism (Social Gospel)

Rauschenbuschism is one of the five heresies coined by Polemics Report or its sister ministry, Pulpit & Pen (along with Vinism , Haginism, Osteensim and Theoerosism). Rauschenbuschism is so named in the tradition of naming heresies for their founders or most prominent proponents. In this case, Rauschenbuschism is named after Walter Rauschenbusch, who wrote “A Theology for the Social … Read more

Why Gay Celibacy is Not the Gospel-Centered Answer

Gay celibacy is not the Gospel-centered answer for those struggling with the sin of Same-Sex Attraction (SSA). And yet for many evangelicals, celibacy for those with SSA seems to be answer-of-the-moment. And that answer is a relatively new answer that is finding prominence in our newly “post-Obergfell world.” Celibacy, in fact, is being ardently defended … Read more