Any true Bible-believing Christian who knows anything at all about the doctrines of Catholicism, and Eastern Orthodox “christianity” knows that Biblical Christianity shares absolutely nothing with these two counterfeit religions in the most fundamental doctrine of the faith–salvation. In fact, these two religions consistently deny many of the “fundamental doctrines of the faith as revealed in Holy Scripture” in preference of their traditions. Many of their doctrines, such as sacramental, or works-based salvation, idolatrous forms of Mary and Saint veneration, Purgatory, Papal infallibility, and transubstantiation of the Eucharist, just to name a few, are extremely dangerous doctrines that turn people away from the truth of the Scriptures. The Scriptures clearly and consistently tell us to have nothing at all to do with these false doctrines, rather expose them (Eph 5:11). These false religions are the works of darkness. They are designed by the ultimate deceiver to counterfeit the true Christian faith, and they lead people to Hell. True Christians are to have no fellowship with darkness, as it is written: