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N.C. Republican Backed House Bill Could Criminalize Free Speech, Classify as “Terrorism”

The North Carolina General Assembly has proposed a bill that, if passed, would essentially halt many forms of free speech in public areas under the guise of “economic terrorism.” According to H.B.249, section b1, a person is guilty of “Economic Terrorism,” a subclass of Terrorism, if “the person willfully and maliciously or with reckless disregard … Read more

NOBTS and the Bernie Sanders Generation

Today, Jack Graham will speak at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and a group of students plan a Baptist-style soft protest to demonstrate how entitled they think they are to his church’s money. Graham is pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, a Dallas-area megachurch that recently voted to escrow funds ordinarily designated to the Cooperative Program (CP), which … Read more

The Unofficial Shepherds’ Conference Guide To Lent

And he [Jesus] said to them, “You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition! Mark 7:9 In my conversation with him, I used the word “papist.”  He nodded and tossed out the altogether appropriate synonym of “Romish.” Despite the obvious associations of Lent with the apostate … Read more

Conservative Evangelical Leaders Enabling Radical Islamic Groups

Matt Chandler’s Village Church and the American Left: Giving Leftist-Islamic Groups a Foothold in the Church The conservative movement, and more importantly the conservative evangelical church, is being undermined and compromised by well-known evangelical leaders. Men, such as Matt Chandler, are accommodating and participating in interfaith dialogues with groups who share ties to radical Islam. It … Read more

Race-Baiting and the ERLC: Dwight McKissic Defends Russell Moore and Demonstrates Why Eliminating the ERLC is the Best Course of Action

“The job of the organizer is to maneuver and bait the establishment so that it will publicly attack him as a ‘dangerous enemy.’” —Saul Alinsky Yesterday, Texas pastor Dwight McKissic published an article entitled “If Russell Moore is fired, ‘Unto Us’ A Trump Baptist Convention Is Born” at Southern Baptist interest blog SBC Voices. McKissic is not … Read more

Movement to Scuttle ERLC/Russell Moore Gaining Traction

Southern Baptists are speaking out against Russell Moore. Weird. I remember when that totally wasn’t in vogue, and we were the only ones doing it and people were calling us crazy. Consider this piece, which calls our assertion that Moore is a social progressive “one of the dumber things you will have read in 2014” (Moore … Read more

Church of The Red Kettle: Is God Just A Highly Effective Fundraising Tool? (Salvation Army Part Two)

“There is no limit to how complicated things can get, on account of one thing always leading to another.” E. B. White E.B. White’s observation of the obvious is assuredly the case when looking at the goings-on of The Salvation Army. Things get very complicated when trying to determine exactly what the Army is and … Read more

Love Wins – A Polemical Review

Love Wins is a book by sub-Christian Mystic, Rob Bell. The book widely is believed to have led to Bell’s departure from evangelicalism. After writing the book and leaving his church, Bell now focuses on surfing, poetry, and mysticism. HERESIES Heresies present within the book include (please click the links to find out more): Universalism … Read more

Rick Warren

Pulpit & Pen Resources on Rick Warren Shocking Footage: Rick Warren Embraces Roman Catholicism Rick Warren Learns Church Campaign From Communists Rick Warren Calls Pope “Holy Father” Rick Warren Teaching Contemplative Prayer at Hillsong 2015 Rick Warren and Joseph Prince Share Stage in Australia Rick Warren to Co-Preach Keynote Address with Priest for Pope’s Visit … Read more

David Wood, Seth Dunn and Nabeel Qureshi

I awoke and stumbled out of my Sunday afternoon hibernation bunker to a flurry of messages in the combox I share with the Pulpit & Pen guys, and saw that Seth Dunn was being beaten like a red-headed stepchild in social media (sorry for the lack of colloquialism trigger warning for all you gingers out … Read more

On Day 5 Cops Lay Dead, Thabiti Anyabwile Defends Black Panthers

Ron Burns, who chose for himself the black nationalist name, Thabiti Anyabwile, has thrown some sympathy out for the #BlackLivesMatter movement, and in the process, stuck up for the O.G. hate group, the Black Panthers. Anyabwile has repeatedly endorsed and promoted BLM and has used the platform given him by prominent evangelicals to insult and … Read more

Worshipping Religious Liberty: SBC Joins Mosque Building Effort

Southern Baptists, through their Ethics And Religious Liberty Commission and their International Mission Board, have joined hands with Muslims and others to help build a mosque. But they have to.  It’s inevitable when you hold closely to the tenets of American Christianity. While Muslims across world want to see the demise of America and Israel, … Read more