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MacArthur Launches Second Salvo Against Social Justice

After eagerly waiting for the elder theologian to enter the fray on the topic of Social Gospel, deceitfully renamed Social Justice, Dr. John MacArthur waded into the controversy last week with his first article on the subject. He was quickly maligned as being a white supremacist, as “fighting ghosts,” and was accused of “attacking racial … Read more

What is Complementarian Feminism?

What on Earth is happening? Why are all of these evangelical leaders pushing feminism and Egalitarianism from their social media accounts, and why does it seem so coordinated? Like a wave, from Danny Akin to JD Greear to The Gospel Coalition, these same evangelical individuals and groups that once lauded the Council on Biblical Manhood and … Read more

Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Leaves RNS Amidst Contract Dispute

Jonathan Merritt, who has had one foot in the closet since at least 2012 when a homosexual man outed Merritt as his one-night-stand lover, is a press ally of the left-wing of evangelicalism that has been slowly but surely taking over the Southern Baptist Convention and other evangelical institutions. The son of a one-time president … Read more

Thabiti: I’d Rather Have Dead Babies than Support Trump

Thabiti Anyabwile, a popular writer at the Gospel Coalition and politically-focused Black Nationalist agitator, recently claimed in an op-ed in the Washington Post that ending Roe v Wade is not worth having to work with Donald Trump. In other words, Anyabwile argued that evangelical Christians should actively seek to oust the current president, even if … Read more

Why The Bible Condones American Immigration Policy

Here are the facts regarding the endless virtue signaling of evangelicals in relationship to the current (and manufactured) immigration “crisis” regarding children being separated from parents. First, people who invade our country illegally should be detained until they can be tried and dealt with according to the law. Second, we do not want to incarcerate … Read more

Revoice Conference Bans Pro-Christian Activist from Attending, Refunds Registration Fees

In case you’ve yet to hear, the Revoice Conference is an event designed to celebrate “Queer Culture” within the Christian Church, to “de-sin” Same Sex Attraction (SSA), and to move American evangelicals to abandon a traditional, historic and orthodox understanding of human sexuality. Although a conference like this is standard fare among mainline liberal denominations … Read more

American Evangelicalism: In Crisis and Confusion

We are witnessing nothing short of a full-on gospel crisis in American Evangelicalism today. Just as the homosexual movement has rapidly deteriorated into the full-blown confusion we see around the psychological disorder and delusion of gender dysphoria; we are witnessing the exponential demise of what was once a clear, focused, gospel-centered movement. When everything in … Read more

Joe Thorn To Take Part in Cultural Marxism/Critical Race Theory Event

Tatting up his knuckles with “1689,” the year of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, Joe Thorn cemented himself as the token representative of old-school Reformed Baptists for a new generation. The bearded hipster, who advertises his cigar and alcohol choices like George Whitefield proclaimed the Gospel, is popular among New Calvinists, the large subset of … Read more

SBTS Student Leader Says Accusation of “Marxist” is Another Way to Call Someone N*gg**

Kyle J. Howard is a student at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) who identifies only as black, although he is of equally white ancestry. Fashioning himself as a champion of the downtrodden, oppressed, disenfranchised, and underprivileged, Howard was raised by two attorneys in an upper-class home in an affluent area of Atlanta. Howard has spent the … Read more

Janet Mefferd Takes on Karen Swallow Prior, Asks When She’ll Be Held Accountable

Pulpit & Pen was the first to sound the alarm bell about the gay-affirming research fellow at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention, Karen Swallow Prior (KSP). In our post, Gay Affirming Research Fellow at ERLC, Shocking Liberalism, we explained that Swallow Prior exhibited behavior, associations, and speech that … Read more

New Calvinists Consider Ecumenical Council on Racial Justice

Make no mistake about it. The Reformed Resurgence – the return of Calvinism back to prominence in western Christianity in the last few decades – has been co-opted and commandeered by leftists who have determined to use the movement to accomplish their progressive agenda. What the Communist Party once succeeded in doing in the American … Read more

Dear Ron: A Letter to “Thabiti Anyabwile” About Beth Moore

Dear Ron, First off, I’m not going to call you “Thabiti Anyabwile” and it’s not just because that eats my spellchecker alive.  Your name is Ron Burns.  You are not from Africa, you are from North Carolina.  You’re not a Muslim.  You’re a Baptist preacher.  Listen, I’d sooner call Ron Simmons “Farooq” than call you … Read more

Don’t Be Gay for Jesus: Understand Why the “Bride-Groom” Metaphor Doesn’t Work for Individuals

Okay, men. We need to have a talk. Stop being gay. We have already had to have a talk with the ladies, explaining to them that Jesus is not their husband. One would think that it’s the fairer sex who might mistake Jesus’ agape love for eros, but no. After all, the bride-groom analogy in … Read more