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SEBTS Student Whistleblower Tells All About Social Justice Take-Over at Baptist Seminary

Jon Harris is a recent graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. After a break from on-campus studies for several years, Harris reports that the social justice take-over of the seminary in just a few short years was overwhelming. To be very clear, Harris alleges that the institution has taken a “left turn” and that the … Read more

Christian University Uses MLK Day to Promote Transgender Rights

Martin Luther King denied the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, the resurrection of Christ, and the inerrancy of Scripture. On top of that, Luther was a sex-trafficking bisexual and whoremonger. Usually, when Christians – like the ELRC and The Gospel Coalition – promote this lost man it’s because of his contributions to racial equality. … Read more

James White on the SBC and ERLC

James White, the “Scholar in Residence” at Apologia Church and host of The Dividing Line podcast, had some tough words for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. He posted the following on his public Facebook page. He wrote… I received an email soliciting donations for the Southern Baptist ERLC (The … Read more

Heresy Peddler: TGC Honors “Legacy” of Thom Rainer at Lifeway

On the day of Judgment, the typical crack-dealer on the street corner will have less wrath of God poured out upon him that Thom Rainer. What Thom Rainer has made a career selling, destroys not only the body but the soul. Lifeway ‘Christian’ Resources peddles literally every known heresy under the sun. They have abused … Read more

The Glaring Racial Hypocrisy of Albert Mohler and Russell Moore

This post was written by Thomas Littleton and has been reposted here with permission. Article originally posted at Thirty Pieces of Silver. Southern Baptists and the Social Justice Voter: The Dreadfully Racial Annual SBC Meetings Coming to Birmingham, Alabama in 2019 Pictured above is Albert Mohler at the SBC Dallas 2018 panel discussion on “Removing the Stain … Read more

9MARKS Mark Dever and Fabian Socialist

This post was written by Thomas Littleton and has been reposted here with permission. The article was originally posted at Thirty Pieces of Silver, “9MARKS DEVER AND FABIAN SOCIALIST TRAINED EDITOR: HOW TO DITCH YOUR PRO-LIFE VOTING HABIT.” Mark Dever and 9MARKS Jonathan Leeman discuss politics and Leeman’s Fabian Socialist Education at London School of … Read more

Mohler’s Pandering to Racialists Backfires, as They Now Demand Reparations from SBTS

Albert Mohler, who has slowly been turning the once-great Southern Baptist Theological Seminary from a bastion of solid theology to a center for social religion and Neo-Liberalism, recently released a report on the racist beginnings of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS). In a pandering, patronizing overture to racialists (those who are fixated on race) – … Read more

Gay Christian Celebrities: A Peculiar and Alarming Development

Since Old Testament times homosexuality has been an uncontroversial topic among God’s people.  It’s sinful. That’s that; no argument, no debate. However, recent developments in Western society have caused homosexuality to become a hot-button issue in the public arena.  In the wake of what Baptist theologian and pundit Albert R. Mohler has labeled “the Moral … Read more

Support the Book “Ungodly Mess: How Marxists Stole Christianity in America”

Pulpit & Pen has been at the forefront of observing and reporting on the intentional take-over of American evangelicalism for years. P&P has broken story after story, report after report, that has been a necessary tool in today’s battle for the American church. The book “Ungodly Mess: How Marxists Stole Christianity in America” will continue … Read more

Register Now: “God’s Voice Conference” to Counter Pro-LGBT “Revoice Conference.”

An upcoming conference hopes to provide an alternative to the “Queer Christian” Revoice Conference. In opposition to the hopeless views propagated at this year’s Revoice Conference, which was promoted by officials in two of America’s most conservative denominations, the Presbyterian Church of America and Southern Baptist Convention, the God’s Voice Conference will promote a Gospel … Read more

The Biblical Answer to Migrant Caravan is Bombs and Bullets

The Biblical solution to the migrant caravan preparing to invade the United States includes bombs and bullets. As a pastor and theologian, the answer is clear to me. A nation has a right to sovereign borders. The invasion of sovereign borders by those who are not permitted therein should be met with judicial force. To … Read more

Should Christians Rethink the Language of “Same-Sex Attraction”?

[Thirty Pieces of Silver] At the beginning of 2013 the Christian community in America began to be flooded with new terms and players using new words for human sexuality, gender and sexual norms. These new speakers like Sam Allberry, Rosaria Butterfield, and a small herd of others, began making the rounds at conferences and working to … Read more

Tim Keller, Russell Moore, Trying to Move Christians Into Democrat Party Fold

POLITICAL SUBVERSION MOVING CHRISTIANS INTO DEMOCRAT PARTY FOLD [Thirty Pieces of Silver] Midterm elections demonstrate that the classic battle lines are being redrawn among Evangelical voters. Ongoing and concerted efforts through American conservative Christian seminaries, churches and secular mainstream media are intensifying to reshape the foundations and convictions which drive the Evangelical vote. Leadership continues … Read more

Gay Priest Speaks at Southern Baptist Event

ERLC AND RUSSELL MOORE ADVOCATE REDEFINING FAMILY AND PROMOTE GAY PRIEST WHO WANTS TO BABYSIT YOUR CHILDREN. [Thirty Pieces of Silver] The ERLC just completed its 2018 “Cross Shaped Family Conference” in Dallas, which was the second of an annual event. This year’s conference was a platform for ERLC President, Russell Moore, to feature his new … Read more

Tim Keller: Marxist Change Agent

In seven previous posts I have laid out clear and concise evidence of the progressive liberalism and Marxist ideology that drives Tim Keller’s false theology; all in his own words. It has been proven beyond any reasonable objection that he has set out to redefine biblical doctrine, over-throw the true church and use his redefinition of Jesus … Read more