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American ReVision: AW Pink a Theonomist? Hogwash.

Every Saturday, Pulpit & Pen posts the Bunker Intelligence Report, which references you to some really good, some really bad and some really, really bad articles from around the Internet. Last week we posted articles on Miley Cyrus’ profanity-laced rant toward Christians, Perry Noble’s own set of 7 deadly sins, and Tony Campolo affirming sodomy. The … Read more

Russell Moore partnering with New Apostolic Reformation to advance the "Social Gospel."

The concept of “social justice” is not new, it’s been around for ages. It’s the antithesis to personal responsibility. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines “social justice” as “The objective of creating a fair and equal society in which each individual matters, their rights are recognized and protected, and decisions are made in ways that are fair and honest.” On the surface this sounds like a noble cause, but in reality, it doesn’t work that way. In practice, social justice removes the notion of personal responsibility, and places the burden of individuals on the backs of society. A society devoid of personal responsibility will naturally result in laziness, crime, and a complete lack of motivation for advancement, and eventually total collapse of the society. The social justice system comes in the form of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, disguised as something good, yet it is opposed to the will of God, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Cooperative Program and the Road to Serfdom by G. Seth Dunn, MAcc, CPA

PREFACE  I’m a Baptist of Baptists.  I wasn’t baby-dedicated at my church on the 8th day, but it was done within a few weeks.  I grew up in a Southern Baptist church in a family that faithfully gave.  As a carefree middle-class youth, I never knew how much was given but it made an impression … Read more

A Rational Response to the Criticism of Village Church

“That’s OK.” – Random lost person, when granting their form of forgiveness PREFACE So you think pedophilia is OK? So you think molesting your sisters is OK? So you think incest is OK? So you think child pornography is OK? Those are the questions we’ve received this week after Cameron’s post, The Gospel is for … Read more

Are Women-Only Gatherings Biblical? Thoughts from John Bunyan

The popularity of women-only events has swelled to epic proportions in recent years. Women of Faith and Living Proof Ministries have put on mega-conferences all over the nation. The best-selling religious books are often books by women for women. Women preachers like Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine and others are among the most sought-after speakers … Read more

Starving the Sheep: A Book Review of “Franchising McChurch”

By Peter Rasor It was not long after arriving at my new home in Arizona that the church advertisements began flooding our mailbox. One piece, professionally done, had six of their “promises” to their new customers prominently displayed: “Exciting Kids’ Programs,” “Incredible Music,” “Inspirational Teaching,” “One Hour Service,” “Casual Atmosphere,” and “We Won’t Beg for Your … Read more

Roman Catholic, Jeb Bush, Peddles Politics at Liberty University

Newt Gingrich – a Roman Catholic – gave the 2007 commencement address at Liberty University. Ben Stein – a Jew – gave the 2009 commencement address. Glenn Beck – a Mormon – gave the 2010 commencement address. Mitt Romney – a Mormon – gave the 2012 commencement address. Last year, Governor Bobby Jindal – a … Read more

Preach the Gospel and ALWAYS Use Words

Romans 10:14-17  How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed?  And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?  And how are they to hear without someone preaching?  And how are they to preach unless they are sent?  As it is written, “How beautiful are … Read more

The Unbreakable Mark Driscoll

“Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done; this is not the Christ, is it?”  John 4:29 M. Knight Shyamalan’s film Unbreakable tells the story of a security guard named David Dunn who possesses, unbeknownst to him, superhuman powers. Through the intercession of an interested party, Dunn learns of his powers which include near … Read more