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Introducing #The12 Shirts. Get Yours Now.

In December of 2014, we launched #the15 when Ed Stetzer said that we were “just the same 15 angry Calvinists mad at everything.” By the time it was over,  thousands of Arminians and Calvinists were tweeting with the hashtag #the15 in wide-sweeping support for discernment. With that social media wave, Alex Malarkey joined #the15 and … Read more

Doomsday Prophet Says Saturday’s Apocalypse Will Now Be Less Sudden or Noticeable

Pulpit & Pen gave you the warnings of “Christian numerologist,” David Meade, on September 4. His warning was simple; the world will come to a catastrophic end on September 23. His theory, which combines astronomy, astrology, numerology, and Scripture-twisting has been widely reported in world media. Some of his calculations – particularly those relating to … Read more

Another Pointless Evangelical Declaration Garners Support, Touts Reformation

Evangelicals are brave…when they’re in a caravan of circled bandwagons. Several weeks ago, the Nashville Statement was promoted by a group plagued with a troublesome Christology. Nonetheless, it garnered widespread support in a wide breadth of evangelicalism, from fairly liberal to fairly conservative. The document affirmed the sinfulness of homosexual action, but fell short of … Read more

We Are Now Offering Mentoring to Lifeway Executives

Thom Rainer, President of Lifeway ‘Christian’ Resources, believes so much in the principle of Biblical mentorship that he has offered to indiscriminately mentor people for the low low price of only $249.47 per month. To be fair, that price is for the Platinum Mentorship Program, in which you’ll actually be entitled to having a video … Read more

The Irrelevant Christine Caine … A Dingo Ate My Legacy?

“ … in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.  2 Peter 2:2 In Revelation 2:20, Christ chided the church of Thyatira in no uncertain terms.  “I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls … Read more

Book Review: Evangelical White Lies

It’s not at all uncommon for me to receive unsolicited books in the mail in exchange for a kind review (rarely do I), and it’s not uncommon for heretical book sellers to send free books to churches like a drug dealer hands out free crack to get people hooked. When I unexpectedly received Evangelical White Lies … Read more

Evangelical 'Leaders' Pay to Bash Trump; No One Cares

One hundred “evangelical leaders” have taken out a full-page advertisement in the Washington Post. While paying for space to complain about the Commander-in-Chief doesn’t seem to be the most practical way to voice their lisping convictions, it makes sense, as most of the signers aren’t leaders in local churches, which would seem to be the … Read more

Russell Moore Implies Southern Baptists Disagree With Trump’s Temporary Immigration Order

Invoking fellow Southern Baptists in his rebuke of Donald Trump a total of seven times, Russell Moore strongly sent the message that those in his denomination agree with his assessment that the president’s executive order temporarily halting immigration from hostile nations is morally objectionable. In a letter to Donald Trump, which he also sent to … Read more

Russell Moore and the School of the Prophets of Shame

Some glaring fault lines have appeared in the conversation about Russell Moore, many of which were exposed by the recent essay in The Federalist written by one of Moore’s fans, Nathan Leamer of the R Street Institute. Since being crowned head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) in 2013, Dr. Moore has been … Read more

The “Dumb Dogs” of Charismania

Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh. For we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh.  Philippians 3:2-3 “And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.”  Acts 11:26, circa … Read more

Polemics Terms: Evangelical Intelligentsia

DEFINITION The Evangelical Intelligentsia are those who purport to be smarter or more distinguished academically than most local church leaders. Typically, the Evangelical Intelligentsia consists of those not in exclusive ministry to local churches, serving instead academic institutions or parachurch ministries. HISTORY Peter Berger coined that phrase in The Emerging Evangelical Intelligentsia Research Project done for … Read more

Ronnie “Ezekiel” Floyd Stands In For An Absent Benny Hinn in SBC Prayer Festival

If you web wander over to the Baptist Press today (June 15) – today being the day after Ronnie Floyd’s 2016 National Call to Prayer for Spiritual Leadership, Revived Churches Nationwide, and Global Awakening – you will find numerous stories about the Southern Baptist Convention’s second day of business. There was, of course, the vote for … Read more

Cast Me That Vision, Bro …

The Executive Director of LifeWay Research, an affiliate of the Southern Baptist Convention, Ed Stetzer is prolific. Prolific is probably not a strong enough term for the voluminous amount of fodder churned out by this ecumenicist. As Contributing Editor for Christianity Today – the discernment and doctrine-free religion rag and its corresponding internet portal of … Read more


I started this journey nearly five years ago. Who was I? I was a nobody. No one knew who I was. There were no “anti-JD” protest blogs. There were no “anti-JD” twitter or social media accounts. There were no angry feminists, survivor blogs, antinomians or spiritual ne’er-do-wells ranting and raving about me. Heck, there was … Read more