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“Knighting” in the New Apostolic Reformation Part II

We recently posted an article from Church Watch Central about the Bethel Church “knighting ceremony” for Ben Fitzgerald, who is a missionary for Bethel and whose parents run the Christian ‘Tarot’ card New Age ministry, Christalignment, which Bethel first repudiated but then – when finding out it was their associates doing it – deleted their … Read more

Charismatics Now Using “Christian” Tarot Cards

Called “Destiny Reading Cards,” charismatics – some associated with Bethel Church in Redding, California – are engaging in what is essentially tarot card reading. You can see the clip below, and then we’ll explain. They call it a “reading” and refer to the program as “Christalignment.” They don’t do “predictions,” but they will help empower … Read more

James White’s Mere Christianity Checklist and Shady Litmus Test for Brotherhood

  Michael Brown is the chief apologist, prophet and Apostle of the modern charismatic movement. He has defended and/or partnered with, in one capacity or another, every single charismatic human stain on Christendom from Benny Hinn to Joel Osteen, from Mike Bickel to Bill Johnson, from Rick Joyner to Jennifer LeClaire. Michael Brown is a … Read more

Todd Bentley Reveals Blurry Angel Photo as Proof of Charismatic Power

Todd Bentley, nicknamed by some as “Bam Bam Bentley” is best known for his physical violence toward the sick and the much-publicized 2008 Lakeland Revival, during which he was cheating on his wife and engaged in regular drunkenness. New Apostolic Reformation “apostles” – led by NAR founder, C. Peter Wagner and accompanied by Bethel Church’s … Read more

We Need to Have a Talk About Matt Chandler

Okay, Christians. We need to have a talk about Matt Chandler. We like Matt. Who couldn’t like Matt? He’s a great preacher. He’s entertaining as can be. He handled a nearly-terminal brain tumor like a God-glorifying champ. He gets the Gospel. So there’s that. We should applaud him for all those things. But that’s not … Read more

Matt Chandler Praying “Jesus Culture” Over Us All Last Sunday

  Matt Chandler just made an excellent move. As we explained in this post, Matt Chandler announced that Village Church was leaving behind the unbiblical multi-site church model. Of course, he didn’t call the model unbiblical and he explained that making the churches autonomous was a part of a “vision,” but still, it’s an improvement. … Read more

The Passion Translation: The New Apostate Reformation Version

There is a new bible translation interpretation … let’s just cut to the chase, it’s not even a bible. It’s a collection of fiction stories that have a somewhat similar theme to the Scriptures but adds a whole lot of personal imagination to it. I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of … Read more

Kris Vallotton’s False Gospel of Prosperity

Kris Vallotton, the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry believes that God wants you to have wealth, stating that “contrary to what we may have been taught,” wealth is actually a sign of God’s blessing. In the article, Vallotton offers no scriptural support for any … Read more

Preaching To The Choir?

Welcome! My name is Michael Coughlin. I am a Christian street preacher. I go to locations where groups of people will be gathered and proclaim the glorious gospel of grace to all those within earshot. Because faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ, I have confidence that preaching God’s Word, in … Read more

The Irrelevant Christine Caine … A Dingo Ate My Legacy?

“ … in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.  2 Peter 2:2 In Revelation 2:20, Christ chided the church of Thyatira in no uncertain terms.  “I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls … Read more

The Phantom of the Opera and The Spirit of the Arian Snare

“This haunted face holds no horror for me now. It’s in your soul that the true distortion lies.” Christine, the Phantom of the Opera It almost goes without saying that the best Broadway musicals are the ones with best scores. The most enduring shows are the ones with songs that stick. The Phantom of the … Read more