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The Circular Firing Line of Discernment Ministry

Discernment ministries often (but not always) have an unhealthy desire to castigate other discernment ministries out of jealousy or envy. It’s a pretty stupid thing to be jealous about, and such unhealthy competition makes us all look petty and ridiculous. Yesterday I saw an aspiring discernment minister critique Tim Hurd and I over a controversy … Read more

Charismatics, Stop Giving ‘Prophetic Insights’ Into Events AFTER They Happen

Charismatic ‘Christian’ leaders are thieves and liars. They steal from people their seed-faith offerings and lie about God speaking to them. When world tragedies happen without warning, it’s not time for charismatics to give their prophetic insights. It’s time for them to shut their cotton-picking mouths. I have no respect or regard for false prophets … Read more

Bill Johnson Sells Prophetic Dream Pillow Cases

Things have sure changed since the night when young Joseph, after selecting the right size rock on which to lay his head, fell fast asleep and had a prophetic dream.  Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, CA wants to change that with the new “prophetic dream pillow case” sold at Bethel Store online. Why … Read more

National Security Group Puts Out Dire Warning About Interfaith Dialogue

[Washington, DC] The Center for Security Policy, a Washington think tank comprised of former national security experts, has put out a dire warning about Christians engaging in Interfaith Dialogue. Written by national security experts, Bill Johnson (not of Bethel Church Redding ) and James Simpson, the report highlights the intentional use of Interfaith Dialogue by both … Read more

VIDEO: Pat Robertson Binds Hurricane Florence, Puts Up Supernatural Storm Shield

Charismatics think they can control the weather. Gloria Copeland claims that her husband can rebuke tornados and control storms. Bethel Church of Redding and Kris Vallotton claimed to have had control over the Shasta County fire, up and until the fire consumed huge swaths of the county. Thinking themselves prophets much like Elijah, who was given … Read more

Kris Vallotton Says ‘Stop Giving Glory to God’

Don’t give all glory to God. Reserve some for yourself. That’s the message of Bethel Church’s Kris Vallotton the popular charismatic prophet and faith healer who helps to lead the Redding, California congregation and is a co-founder of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. In a blog post originally entitled, Why We Need to Stop Saying … Read more

Matt Chandler Preaches Charismatic Poppycock

Something eventually happens to everyone who calls themselves a Charismatic Calvinist;” they eventually become all of one thing and none of the other. Like with Mark Driscoll, the charismatic side of the Charismatic Calvinist grows and grows more wildly out of control as claims of dubious supernatural manifestations grow so pervasive that it strangles out … Read more

Psychics And Charismatic “Prophets” Use Same Cold Reading Method

There is virtually no difference between parlor-trick psychics (who have been proven fraudulent in a plethora of scientific studies but still have enjoyed success employing their carnival-show trade for hundreds of years) and charismatic prophets. They use the same method of “cold reading” to gain insight into individuals, and then to sound like they have … Read more

Steven Furtick Claims Jesus is “Sneaky”

“I’ve heard of the strength of Jesus. I’ve heard about the sovereignty of Jesus…Nobody ever talks about how sneaky Jesus was. You’re looking at me strange…” Charismatics have been adding to the attribtues of God. Usually, when someone speaks of the nature of God, they stick to attributes like omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, immutability, sovereignty, or … Read more

Hillsong’s Bobbie Houston Claims Apostolic Anointing For Husband, Brian

Bobbie Houston is the wife of Brian Houston, and calls herself the “co-senior pastor of Hillsong church.” Hillsong is the Australia-based global phenomenon that has been growing throughout the world through its Arian Snare pop-music, Word-Faith theology, and celebrity endorsements. With satellite churches in New York, Los Angeles, and the Americas, Hillsong is the point … Read more

Charismatic Makes Up “Gold Dust” (Glitter) Claim

The claim of God manifesting gold dust was popularized at Bethel Church in Redding, California. Justin Peters testifies that he knows at least one individual who is responsible for putting glitter in the vents, to cause the sign-seeking congregation to go wild in ecstatic excitement at the appearance of Mammon falling from the sky. A … Read more