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Michael Brown is Either Forgetful or a Liar: Rosebrough Pulls Brown Quotes From the Dumpster

Michael Brown recently said that Hank Hanegraaff – who left Christianity for the idolatry and heretical doctrines of the Eastern Orthodox Church – still affirmed all the “fundamentals” of the Christian religion. Perhaps being a scholar in Hebrew doesn’t exactly equate to an educated opinion on interfaith apologetics, but Eastern Orthodoxy, in case you didn’t … Read more

Polemics Term: Whitewash

WHITEWASH The term, “whitewash,” means: to gloss over or cover up (such as vices or crimes) or to exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data. POLEMICS USE Like the term, “Canerize,” which is named after Ergun Caner and means to make something online disappear, “Whitewash” (capital ‘W’) is named after to … Read more

What Happens to White when Brown Hits the Fan? Editor’s Note by JD

  Before reading the article, it is worth familiarizing yourselves with these articles which were the catalyst for the discussions below: Michael Brown has been WHITE-washed? What Michael Brown is hiding from his audience (Part 1): Attacking Christian authors; contends for NAR gospel What Michael Brown is hiding from his audience (Part 2): Damning 2010 audio proving … Read more

Cataloging Michael Brown’s Lies About the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Part 1

  PART 1 THE BOOK THAT STARTED IT ALL: This year, a controversial book has been published and caused a ruckus in the Christian media scene. The book is called, ‘The Rise of Network Christianity: How Independent Leaders Are Changing the Religious Landscape’. It was written by Brad Christerson and Richard Flory. Sadly, judging by how they came … Read more

Preparing for Elephant Room 3: Michael Brown

  We apologize for our lack of articles today, as we’ve been preparing for Elephant Room 3, which will – tentatively – take place on January 2, 2018. We refer to it as “Elephant Room 3” because it is strikingly similar to Elephant Room 2, in which Mark Driscoll, James McDonald, and the gang at the … Read more

Southern Baptist Race Baiting, Marxist Pastor Honored with Hyper-Charismatic Award

Dwight McKissic is an African American charismatic (and leftist) preacher who – for some reason – is a Southern Baptist. McKissic regularly capitalizes on the color of his skin to obtain for himself notoriety and attention, especially through resolutions presented at the SBC’s annual convention designed to cause racial disunity and controversy. A huge fan … Read more

James White’s Mere Christianity Checklist and Shady Litmus Test for Brotherhood

  Michael Brown is the chief apologist, prophet and Apostle of the modern charismatic movement. He has defended and/or partnered with, in one capacity or another, every single charismatic human stain on Christendom from Benny Hinn to Joel Osteen, from Mike Bickel to Bill Johnson, from Rick Joyner to Jennifer LeClaire. Michael Brown is a … Read more

Michael Brown Has Been WHITE-Washed?

This post has been reposted here with permission and originally appeared at Churchwatch Central. We know that James White would not preach or tolerate a different Jesus, a different gospel or embrace a different spirit. So why is Dr James White coming out so strongly in public support of Dr Michael Brown? “I believe that … Read more

James White Embraces Brotherhood with NAR Apologist, Michael Brown

There is perhaps no better online resource (or any resource) in the world on the New Apostolic Reformation than Church Watch Central. Their work is thorough. Their facts are impeccable. Their material is stellar. Church Watch Central took on James White for his decree of brotherhood upon Michael Brown, which is no less disturbing and … Read more

Todd Bentley Reveals Blurry Angel Photo as Proof of Charismatic Power

Todd Bentley, nicknamed by some as “Bam Bam Bentley” is best known for his physical violence toward the sick and the much-publicized 2008 Lakeland Revival, during which he was cheating on his wife and engaged in regular drunkenness. New Apostolic Reformation “apostles” – led by NAR founder, C. Peter Wagner and accompanied by Bethel Church’s … Read more