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Southern Baptist President Says to Call ‘Transgenders’ By Their Preferred Pronoun

Albert Mohler and Danny Akin told the Baptist Press that there is no liberal drift in the SBC. In spite of that ostrich-in-the-sand approach at surveying reality, the Southern Baptist Convention’s president, JD Greear, just suggested that we call ‘transgender’ people their preferred pronouns. He called it “pronoun hospitality,’ and credited Revoice homosexual, Preston Sprinkle, … Read more

Joy Behar Says ‘Only Homophobes’ Think Gay Marriage Isn’t Traditional

Homosexual ‘marriage’ (not that such a thing exists in reality) wasn’t normalized in western culture until the twenty-first century and wasn’t de-criminalized until 2015. Regardless of history, Joy Behar recently said on The View that only homophobes would view gay marriage (so long as it is monogamous) as anything less than “traditional.” Behar said about … Read more

Catholic Charity, Covenant House, Goes Pro-Gay

The largest homeless ministry in the United States and a prominent Roman Catholic charity, Covenant House, is now on the LGBT bandwagon. Covenant House was founded Bruce Ritter, a Franciscan priest, in 1972. Ritter was later embroiled in an abuse-scandal in which he was accused of molesting the young men coming in for shelter off the … Read more

Battling Against Five Dumb Reasons for Female Preachers

You simply cannot find reputable Bible-teachers who advocated for female preachers or pastors throughout most of church history. There is a reason for this, and it’s not misogyny. It’s because the notion is Biblically untenable. In fact, the only notable female preachers in church history are famous for being heretics; from Montanus’ two prophetesses, Maximilla … Read more

Kanye and the Camel’s Needle

I would draw parallels between Kanye West being invited to Lakewood Church and Jesus being tempted in the wilderness, but that would make Kanye into Jesus in this scenario. My fear is that Kanye already considers himself close enough that I need not make him stumble by the comparison. Nonetheless, Kanye’s appearance at Osteen’s Happy … Read more

Salvation Army and Conservative Twitter Throw Chick-fil-A Under the Bus

“We don’t claim to be a Christian business.” Dan Cathy, President of Chick-fil-A Today Chick-fil-A announced through its Chicken Wire news platform the 2020 philanthropy priorities of the Chick-Fil-A Foundation. Those priorities include promoting education and alleviating homelessness and hunger, particularly as experienced by young people. Chick-fil-A is partnering with some newer charitable partners to … Read more