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Methodist University Hires MUSLIM Chaplain

Shenandoah University, a Methodist school, believes that Christianity and Islam are equal in nature and that both religions will help students’ spiritual development. So, the college – located in Winchester, Virginia – posted Located in Winchester, Va., Shenandoah University has hired a Muslim as a chaplain to minister to student needs. The school is affiliated … Read more

Tullian Tchividjian Officially Launches New Church

Disgraced muti-adulterer, Tullian Tchividjian, is officially starting a new “church” in Florida, after having been defrocked by his Presbytery and disciplined by multiple churches. We last reported that Tchividjian was going to start a new church back in June, in the post entitled, Tullian Tchividjian is Planting a New Church. We first warned you that Tchividjian … Read more

Seminary President, Danny Akin, Says Social Justice Critics are like “Gestapo”

[Capstone Report] The fight over Identity Politics in the Southern Baptist Convention hit a new low Sunday when Dr. Daniel Akin accused conservative critics as forming a Theological Gestapo. The attack came as Dr. Akin, president of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, delivered the Sunday sermon at First Baptist Church of Durham. Akin hoped to … Read more

The Pope Appoints “Christian Islamicist” to Lead French City

Pope Francis recently appointed a pro-Islam bishop to serve as bishop over the influential French city of Marseille on the Mediterranean coast. Bishop Jean-Marc Aveline is an adherent to “Chrislam,” the belief that Muslims and Christians worship the same God and that the two religions can seamlessly merge into one. Bishop Aveline hopes to achieve … Read more

Father of Elizabeth Smart Says He’s Gay, Leaving the Mormon Church

In a private message to family and friend, Ed Smart—father of Elizabeth Smart—announced that he was a homosexual and was leaving the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In 2002, Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped from her Utah home. Miraculously found nine months later, having been traumatized and abused by her captors, the young woman … Read more

Video: Portland Catholics Protest Conservative Priest DURING Service, Boo and Interrupt

Video has surfaced of traditional and conservative members in a Roman Catholic ‘Church’ in Portland being harassed and protested in the middle of their church service by their liberal counterparts. Their new priest had cut “inclusive” language from the liturgy and resisted liberalism, so they protested their own church from both the outside and inside. … Read more

Charismatic Prophet Teaching How to “Smell in the Spirit”

We kid you not. The headline isn’t satire. As our friends at ChurchWatch Central report, the Charismatic prophetess, Jennifer LeClaire, is teaching people how to “smell in the Spirit.” Proving that modern charismaticism is basically the Occult mixed with New Age mysticism, LeClaire is an influential and prolific speaker on the Pentecostal lecture circuit. Her … Read more