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What You Need to Know About the Dallas Statement on Social Justice

I don’t think people adequately understand the significance of The Dallas Statement (as I call it) and its reception. Let me put some thoughts down here and explain exactly what has happened and what is happening. As someone who has been covering the mission drift of the Young, Restless and Reformed (YRR) into social progressivism … Read more

The Beasts of England and the Southern Baptist Convention

George Orwell’s Animal Farm was included in the curriculum of my 9th Grade “World Cultures” class at Central High School in Chattanooga, TN.  In the book, which is an allegory of the Russian Revolution, a group of animals, led by pigs, overthrow their human master and take over the farm on which they live.  Having thrown off … Read more

SBC Leaders Float Idea of Beth Moore As Next Denomination President

Beth Moore, who is best known as Lifeway’s Cash Cow of Bashan, the extremely popular women’s teacher whose increasingly wild-eyed prophetic visions have gained prominence in a wide berth of evangelicalism well outside the SBC (especially in charismatic circles, as she coalesces with other egalitarian prophetesses like Anne Voskamp, Joyce Meyer, and Christine Caine), may … Read more

The SBC, JD Greear, and Reformation: a Polite Polemic of Michelle Lesley

I really like Michelle Lesley and her work at  I cite her often.  Michelle is the type of (female) author the SBC needs but, unfortunately, as LifeWay sales indicate, not the type of author the SBC wants.  As a minister’s wife and long-time Baptist, Michelle is well aware of the desperate need of reform … Read more

Al Mohler and the Conviction to Lead from Behind

“The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, But the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1 I am tired of Al Mohler. For years, I listened to his various podcasts: every month, every week, every day.  Every month or so, I listened to his literary podcast, Thinking in Public, in which he discussed … Read more

Former SBC Prez: God’s Heart For This Nation is Unity

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.“ –Matthew 10:34-36 Ripping … Read more

On that Video and Six Degrees from Kevin Bacon

For whatever reason, James White saw fit to RT the guy who made this nutso (that’s the official term) video about me the other day. I had seen it previously and chose to ignore it until White decided to go full-unhinged and send it to his Twitter feed because so long as it attacks me, White … Read more

Steve Gaines: Enough is Enough

Steve Gaines is the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. Steve Gaines is featured as a speaker at Southern Baptist events. Steve Gaines is the pastor of thousands of people at Bellevue Baptist Church. He matters, a lot. That’s why Pulpit & Pen published a critical article about his statement on prayer today. He tweeted out … Read more

SBC President Says God Will Make You Promises in Prayer

No, this isn’t a repeat from earlier in the week when the CEO of the SBC Executive Board asked for new revelation from God. That was Frank Page, and this time it’s the President of the Southern Baptist Convention who’s telling people that God will speak to them in prayer.     This is the … Read more

Concerns About the Nashville Declaration

Don’t Be Quick to Jump On the Bandwagon When the Manhattan Declaration was created, evangelicals widely celebrated as pastors and laymen were eager to sign on to the document designed to defend religious liberty. Trusted Evangelical Intelligentsia leaders – men like Albert Mohler – quickly signed on to the document, and legions followed. Others, like … Read more

‘Ecumenism For Trump’ Trumps Scriptural Commands For Key Evangelical Leaders

There’s a supplicant from the Navaho Nation. A few from the now-defunct faith of Judaism. There are Roman Catholics. There’s at least one Hindu. Mormons are represented, as are Baha’is of the United States. Islam and Sikh’s will be there. Episcopalians, Greek Orthodox, Presbyterians, independent charismatics, and Buddhism have a place in the line-up too. … Read more

Just Announced: SBC Endorses NAR-Charismatic False Teaching

“In such a time of kaleidoscopic changes, is there anything that remains unchanged?  When so many things have proved to be untrustworthy, is there anything we can trust?   “One point, at least, is clear – we cannot trust the Church.  The visible Church, the Church as it now exists upon this earth, has fallen … Read more

Nancy Leigh (DeMoss) Wolgemuth

Nancy Leigh (DeMoss) Wolgemuth Mixes Pagan Witchcraft Circle-Making With Christianity Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Ronnie Floyd, and Life Action Ministries – Mystics in Disguise Other Resources Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Hearts Revived, but at What Price? Michelle Lesley – Do You Recommend These Teachers? Praying Circles DeMoss Turns Her Listeners to False Teacher, Richard Foster