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Jerry Falwell Jr Embraces Prosperity Impastor, Paula White, calls Discerning Christians "Pharisaical" and "Self-Righteous"

Jerry Falwell Junior ascended to the stage while a chant originating on the Jerry Springer show of “Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!” came from the crowd. He would then introduce the Word-of-Faith impastor, prosperity gospel teacher, and former mistress of Benny Hinn, and do so as though she were a sister in Christ. Falwell would then go on … Read more

Franklin Graham Proclaims The Exclusivity of Christ to Millions, Implies God’s Endorsement of Donald Trump Through Rain

What do you get when you mix politics with religion? Franklin Graham. Franklin Graham was chosen as one of many to lead in prayer at Donald Trump’s inauguration today. His prayer was embedded between Rabbi Marvin Hier’s and Bishop Wayne T. Jackson’s prayer. False teacher Paula White was chosen to open the inauguration in prayer who, … Read more

Christian Hedonism – Is It Right? by Dr. Peter Masters

Dr. Peter Masters has been the minister of the Metropolitan Tabernacle (Spurgeon’s) in Central London since 1970 ( This article is taken from Sword & Trowel 2002, No. 3.  We are grateful for Dr. Masters’ permission to republish this article in its entirety.   Christian Hedonism – is it right? Dr. John Piper’s ‘delighting in … Read more

Book Review: 50 World-Changing Events in Christian History

Earl Blackburn is a fabulously no-frills, “OG” (that’s Original Gangsta, for those who don’t dig my jive) Reformed Baptist preacher, the type and kind of which kept the lanterns burning during the dark days before the Reformed bandwagon was crowded with tourists. Today, Reformed Baptists tattoo their knuckles with 1689; Earl Blackburn is of the generation … Read more

Christian Index Walks Back Criticism of Andy Stanley; Apologists Should Walk it Forward

In a December 27th editorial entitled “Andy Stanley’s Approach to the Virgin Birth,” Christian Index Editor Dr. Gerald Harris criticized a recent message (sermon) from Atlanta area mega-pastor Andy Stanley, labeling Stanley’s preaching as “ambiguous” and “lacking”. For Stanley, such criticism is nothing new. He has been catching flack for his preaching and the way … Read more

Christine Caine Drops Trousers With Hillsong’s Bobbie Houston

  Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us.  Philippians 3:17 Paul said to “keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example.”  It’s one of the wonderful benefits of Christian fellowship that loving accountability exists among brethren.  We seek, … Read more

Merry Pagan Christmas?

Well, I haven’t been disappointed. This year is the same as every other year. It has become the norm for some Christians to express their belief that Christmas trees decorated in all their splendor with ornaments and lights is idolatry. They generally like to use a passage from Jeremiah as support for their disapproval: “Do … Read more

Taking Christmas Off: A Form Letter to Wandering Sheep

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;  and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,  not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:23-25 This year, Christmas falls on a … Read more

Christmas on Sunday? Yay! No Church! (At Least For Andy Stanley)

This year, the Christmas celebration falls on a Sunday.   Accounting for leap years, this happens on regular intervals. It happened in 2011, and will, lest the Lord tarries, happen again in 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, and 2050. Since the divine creation of the church following Christ’s resurrection, it has gathered to worship on the … Read more

Andy Stanley Says He Doesn’t Care About the Birth of Christ

Not too long ago, Andy Stanley explicitly denied the authority of Scripture and implicitly denied the infallibility of Scripture. He claimed that the foundation of Christianity was not the Bible, and suggested that the Bible contains historical inaccuracies and even called it indefensible (More can be read about this here). This past week, he opened up … Read more