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Tim Keller is a Marxist: A Response to Carl Trueman

I rejoice in Tim Keller having to finally address whether or not he is a Marxist. I rejoice because rarely – and I mean rarely – do the Evangelical Intelligentsia respond to anything. They follow the advice of Ligon Duncan, the “woke” president of Reformed Theological Seminary (a major financial recipient of Socialist billionaire and … Read more

Tim Keller Tells Christians How to Vote, Says Jesus ‘Lost Power’ on Cross

Tim Keller writes in nuanced language. But in his latest column in the New York Times, the incarnation of the intellectual think-tank of the American religious left (as embodied in Tim Keller) has a simple message: Christians shouldn’t vote straight-line Republican. Projecting himself as above politics, the man who has asserted more times than I … Read more

Video: Tim Keller Trashes ‘Social Justice and the Gospel Statement’

Tim Keller was recently asked about the Dallas Statement on Social Justice and Gospel, and his words weren’t very kind. According to Keller, the statement can’t be judged based upon whether or not the words are right, but by the consequences those words might eventually bring about. To summarize Keller another way, the words contained … Read more

Tim Keller Says Another Marxisty, Stupid Thing on Twitter

Tim Keller’s tweets make about as much sense as Jaden Smith’s tweets read backwards. The “brilliant” theologian often (if not daily) says things in 280 characters or less that leave people scratching their heads. This is an “Emperor’s new clothes” type situation. If you say you don’t understand him, then you must be the stupid … Read more

Mohler Calls Tim Keller’s Brand of Social Justice “Toxic.” Supports it anyway.

Recently in a Q&A with students, Albert Mohler explained his stance on Social Justice, now pushed heavily by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and basically anyone within Albert Mohler’s sphere of influence. Only seven short years ago, Mohler was against Social Justice and took the negative side of the debate with Jim Wallis, arguing that it … Read more

Bible Thumping Wingnut Discusses Tim Keller, Sam Allberry

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:01:13 — 70.1MB) | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS Sam Allberry  of  LivingOut claims to be Gay (Same Sex Attracted). No man who desires homosexual relationships should be in any kind of ministry, period! The title of his website is “Christian & Gay.” Throughout Sam’s website, the terms “gay” & “same-sex attracted” are used … Read more

Conservative Pundit Warns PCA About Tim Keller

Erick Erickson is a conservative political pundit with a syndicated talk show, runs The Resurgent, and was previously the editor of Red State. Although a staunch conservative, Erickson is known for being a values-driven pundit, and notoriously uninvited Donald Trump from a Red State rally after his coarse and ungentlemanly remark to Megyn Kelly. His … Read more

Tim Keller Helps the New Yorker Siphon Off Support From Republicans

[Editor’s Note: We are including this article from Dr. Robert Gagnon because we are gravely concerned that the Intelligentsia leaders of New Calvinism are leading the Reformed World into leftist progressivism, and in some cases, Marxism. From Keller to Piper to The Gospel Coalition to Russell Moore, there is a grave cause for concern that … Read more

Tim Keller’s Redeemer Church Puts on Effeminate Worship Service

Tim Keller’s legacy church is wrought with compromise. A church that is part of the traditionally conservative PCA, problems range from its members converting to Catholicism to a low view of biblical authority–Keller is a theistic evolutionist. In November of 2016, under the pastoral leadership of Keller, during the offertory portion of worship, Redeemer offers … Read more

The Gospel Coalition: Advances Russell Moore-Flees from Gospel

The Gospel Coalition, a network of evangelical churches founded by D.A. Carson, and Tim Keller, has been in a downward slide since it’s inception. While the original intent of the coalition seemed well, the accountability within the organization has been less than stellar. In other words, the members of the council of the TGC hold eachother to such a high regard, that any criticism of it’s members is looked at as malice. Besides Tim Keller, a well known evolutionist, who does not hold to the absolute authority of Scripture, TGC has aligned itself with many liberal members over the years. Members, such as Mark Driscoll, and James MacDonald, whose association with the organization has backfired, yet TGC has managed to stay alive and well.