In the latest attempt to merge the ‘Virgin’ Mary with the Pachamama Mother Earth goddess of South American tribal culture, an organization belonging to the Franciscan Order depicted the two together in a Christmas portrait. When being called out for it by conservative Catholics who consider the Pachamama to be idolatrous, the Franciscans vigorously defended it.

The Vatican’s enchantment with the idolatrous image (the one on the left, not the idolatrous image on the right) goes back to Pope Francis, who hails from South America and brought an appreciation for the superstitious false goddess – which originated in the Andes Mountains – with him to the Vatican.
The Catholic Church’s new infatuation with this naked, topless, pregnant earth goddess has been covered thoroughly by Pulpit & Pen and conservative Catholic publications like Lifesite News. We have reported on this phenomenon in the post, Vatican Priest Caught on Video Worshipping Pachamama Fertility Goddess and Pope Excuses Idol Controversy By Claiming Paul ‘Built a Bridge’ with Pagans. One conservative Catholic ran into the Vatican, pulled down the idols, and threw them in the river.
One down, like five million to go. But it’s a start.
According to Lifesite, the Franciscan holiday greeting included images of both Mary and the Pachamama in an obvious comparison of the two superstitious false goddesses (pictured above).
“A Christmas greeting from Franciscans International (FI), a human rights group formed by various Franciscan orders, depicted the Andean earth-goddess “Pachamama” alongside the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
After receiving complaints about the blasphemous imagery, the Franciscan spokesman, Fr. Markus Heinze, responded the following way…
“Regarding your accusation of the message of the Christmas Card, I don’t want to go into details, I just don’t understand why it you see it as a sacrilege to bring Mary together with the pagan symbol for mother earth…
In a bizarre defense, Heinze claimed that the donkey, often pictured with Mary, represents pagans. Ergo, Ergo argues, it’s alright to picture Mary with the pagan Earth goddess.
Yeah, it makes no sense to us, either.