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China Imprisoning Christians to Harvest Their Organs

News Division

According to new reports from human rights organizations, China is continuing a program to harvest organs from persecuted Christian minorities, political dissidents, and conscientious objectors to its communist government.

The China Tribunal, which is an “independent, international people’s tribunal” is investigating claims that China is harvesting the organs of religious minorities, and is lead by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC. The organization said that China is continuing the practice of ‘harvesting’ and selling the organs of Christian believers and other religious minorities who have been arrested by the Communist nation.

A lawyer for the tribunal, Hamid Sabi, said, “Forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience, including the religious minorities of Falun Gong and Uighurs, has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale, and that it continues today.”

The Falun Gong, reference by Hamid Sabi, is a meditation-focused religious teaching drawn from the traditions of both Buddhism and Taoism, but it is persecuted inside China. Although most American are not aware of the Falun Gong, they may be aware of the publication, The Epoch Times, which is heavily influenced by the religious movement and founded by its supporters. It is a peaceful religion.

However, Christians are also often targeted by the Chinese Communist state, and as reported by Pulpit & Pen last week, they have begun to implement a social “credit score” in a way that is curtailing Christian expression in rural China.

Some of those placed on death row and whose organs are harvested are members of China’s “underground” Christian church movement.

Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan told the UN General Assembly that he was demanding an investigation into the organ harvesting.