Beth Moore recently deleted portions of one of her past books in which she wrote about the sin of homosexuality. The Kindle version no longer includes the passage condemning sodomy as a transgression of God’s laws. As Beth Moore largely sidestepped an open letter from women asking where she stood on the issue, critics are taking her to task for her lack of clarity.
Moore, a favorite of the Evangelical Intelligentsia, has recently become a proponent of women preaching to audiences of both men and women. She has also become one of the most outspoken proponents of the Social Justice movement, espousing views belonging to Cultural Marxism and Critical Race Theory, and she also has aligned herself with the most frighteningly radical leftists in evangelicalism. Deleting parts of her book dealing with homosexuality have done little to quell the assumption that Moore’s ‘wokeness’ is now changing her views on human sexuality.
Moore’s book, in which she deleted the anti-homosexuality passage, is Praying God’s Word, published in 2009. The passage in question was on page 279 of that book.
Moore wrote a mere ten years ago…
Before we proceed to our Scripture-prayers for overcoming sexual strongholds, we are wise to address another deadly sexual assault of the evil one in our society: homosexuality. I have wonderful news for anyone who has struggled with homosexual sin. God indeed can deliver you and anxiously awaits your full cooperation. Do not let Satan shame you into not seeking forgiveness, fulness, and complete restoration in Jesus Christ. I know complete transformation is possible not only because God’s Word says so, but because I have witnessed it with my own eyes. I know plenty of believers who have been set free from homosexuality.
The passage is now ommitted from Kindle versions (the paper version is out of print).
This follows on the heels of a controversy in which, noticing Moore’s hard-left turn, a number of fellow female Bible teachers wrote an open letter asking for her to clarify her position. We wrote about that in When Pressed, Beth Moore Chooses Not to Condemn Homosexuality.
Ironically, Moore did not clarify her position, and her supporters appealed to her past writings and claimed that she had been clear in the past (as though that’s good enough). Moore is now trying to change her past words, and people have discovered the cover-up.

Phoenix apologist, James White, criticized Moore on his Facebook page, writing…
This section is no longer in the Kindle version of this book (yes, I bought my first Beth Moore book to confirm this). It has been removed. A few pages later 1 Cor. 6:9-11 is cited as being prayed by the reader, and the term “homosexual offenders” is still there. But the discussion of homosexuality as a “deadly sexual assault of the evil one,” “homosexual sin,” deliverance and restoration, is gone, along with Moore’s own testimony of knowing “plenty” of believers who have been set free from homosexuality! And this is purposeful.
Moore responded on Twitter, saying, “After taking 3 years to pray and to test the fruit, it became clear to me that my words in this section, words that exceeded Scripture, were stopping many from God’s words which follow. It wasn’t a doctrinal shift. When our words keep people from God’s words, we’ve overspoken.”
While Moore argues that her doctrine hasn’t changed, it rings hollow when placed against the mirror of objective reality.
White explained the problem…
I will admit, I had never heard the term “overspoken” before. But let’s think about what Mrs. Moore is saying here. To speak of homosexuality as a deadly sin is to “exceed Scripture.” To speak of deliverance and restoration from homosexual sin is to “exceed Scripture.” To claim that there have been many who have been set free from homosexuality is to “exceed Scripture.” And the source of these conclusions? “Prayer and testing fruit,” whatever that is supposed to mean (these days you can cram a lot into a line like that).
While she may wish to claim this did not involve a “doctrinal shift,” if you teach X is sin, but then conclude that X is not sin, or that to say X is sin is to “exceed Scripture,” that is a doctrinal shift, at least for those of us who still think words have meanings anyway–at least meanings that can be relied upon for more than, say, a decade at a time?
Moore, responding to David Alves, laments that her (true) words about homosexuality caused “damage” and “made people feel demonized.”

White again responds on his Facebook page…
This is what has been removed from the book. So are we to understand that ALL of this is now repudiated by Mrs. Moore?
1) homosexuality is a “deadly sexual assault of the evil one in our society.”
2) God can deliver from homosexuality.
3) Satan would shame you into not seeking forgiveness, fulness [sic], and complete restoration in Jesus Christ.
4) Complete transformation is possible.
5) God’s Word says complete transformation is possible.
6) Mrs. Moore has witnessed examples of complete transformation.
7) Plenty of believers have been set free from homosexuality.
One must ask seriously if Mrs. Moore is now saying she does NOT know “plenty of believers who have been set free from homosexuality”?
Many of us have been watching as leader after leader, writer after writer, minister after minister, has walked the path of acceptance of the LGBTQ+ mantra. The pathway is well known, the words well worn.
Hundreds – if not thousands – in social media have been trying to get Beth Moore to where she stands on homosexuality. It seems, by her deletion of previous words, that they have their answer.