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Wisconsin School Pushes Transgenderism on Students in Form of Books and Video

Reagan Hall

Apparently, SJW propaganda is not only being taught in California public schools but in Wisconsin as well.

A science teacher in Madison, Wisconsin was met with furious parents after a presentation on transgenderism was given to K-5th grade students without parent’s permission.

A religious liberty law firm, Liberty Counsel, claims the school violated the district’s policy and the constitutional prohibition against schools enforcing “orthodoxy” of any kind.

The science teacher, known as “Vica Steel,” formerly Mark Busenbark, claimed the purpose of showing the video was, “so [students] can know who I am and who I am becoming.” The teacher also read a book to his pupils entitled, “They Call Me Mix.”

The book contains language such as, “‘BOY or GIRL?’ Are you a boy or a girl? How can you be both? Some days I am both. Some days I am neither. Most days I am everything in between.”

Instead of using gender specific pronouns, such as Mrs. or Mr, Steel asks the children to use “Mx” when referring to him. He also clarified that his preferred pronouns are “they, them.”

“And now, let me introduce myself, anew…. I am going to take my wife, Stella Steel’s last name, and I am going to use, not mister, not miss, but ‘mix.’ So you can call me, ‘Mix Steel.’.. And for my pronouns, you can call me ‘they,’ ‘them,’ and ‘their.'”

Some parents took to social media to express their disapproval. One parent of a first-grader said they were given “no warning, no heads up” before their child was exposed to the indoctrinating video and book. The parent also wrote:

I’ve had to sit down with my kids and explain that what they heard is flat-out wrong and incorrect. We will be kind to others, but we WILL NOT be involved in adult games of make-believe. Shame on those that support this!

Another parent reportedly confronted school officials, but was shrugged off by them.

The founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver, said:

It is outrageous that school administrators would allow a male science teacher to expose children to propaganda that promotes confusion about basic biology, and to instruct students to address him by a false name, title and pronouns. These impressionable students do not exist to validate Busenbark’s sexual identity. Parents send their children to school trusting that they will be taught academic curriculum, not become participants in a teacher’s play acting,