Russell Moore speaking alongside Nancy Pelosi really isn’t a stretch of the imagination. Moore, a former Democractic staffer, has done everything in his power to be as fierce a critic of President Trump as the Speaker of the House. From calling a border wall a “Golden Calf” to serving on George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table, to demanding an end to the shutdown and for Trump to send more tax-dollars overseas to our enemies, Moore’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) basically serves as a Democratic PAC.
Yesterday, Moore spoke alongside Nancy Pelosi at the same event, hosted by the Council of Christian Colleges and
The NAE also took part in the event. The NAE is a sister organization of the National Council of Churches, which is affiliated with the World Council of Churches. The NAE is an ecumenist organization, which from its inception was branded as being theologically liberal. Russell Moore fits in with the NAE like a duck takes to water and a pig rolls in mud. These are his people.

The CCCU hosted event yesterday included both Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat acolyte, Russell Moore, as you can see from the screenshot above, taken from the NAE Facebook page.
According to Religion News Service, Pelosi used the opportunity to speak about a topic that both she and Russell Moore are in complete agreement upon…illegal immigration.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told a group of Christian educators gathering in the nation’s capital this week that she intends to uphold her responsibility to “act upon our beliefs in the dignity and worth of every person.”
Those people include refugees seeking to cross our borders…
Moore, who helps to run the Soros-funded EIT, would no doubt have little problem with Pelosi’s statements to the pro-gray NAE or CCCU or her ambitious agenda to destroy America’s sovereign borders.