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Kyle Rittenhouse and Biblical Self Defense

We should all be so blessed as to have a son like Kyle Rittenhouse. If only we were all so worthy of young men like him, our land would be richly blessed. That there is pervasive moral unclarity regarding his actions and by some evangelicals, even a maligning of his character, speaks of the failure … Read more

Beth Moore Doesn’t Want You To Preach or Share The Gospel at The Protests

Beth Moore has been relatively silent through most of the last week’s protests and riots, with only a few general comments here and there. She supports the protest, of course, and in fact, informs that many of the staff at Livin Proof Ministries have been marching, and she hopes to join them soon. But as … Read more

Abortionist Lies on Police Report to Get Pro-Life Activists Arrested

[Lifesite News] According to a police report obtained by LifeSiteNews, an abortion clinic director in Grand Rapids, Michigan told law enforcement that two women during a May 13 Red Rose Rescue “entered” the clinic. The two women were subsequently arrested for trespassing. The pro-life rescuers claim, however, that they did not enter the clinic. This LifeSiteNews reporter was … Read more

Federal Vision Is Not Dead (It Just Smells Funny)

[God’s Hammer] Those familiar with the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail will remember the scene where Eric Idle is collecting plague consumed dead bodies on a cart while crying out like some old-time peanut vendor or carnival barker; “Bring out your dead!” Hearing the call a man appears carrying an elderly man on his shoulder … Read more

The Black Robe Regiment

The “Black Robe Regiment” was not a regular regiment, platoon, or division of soldiers during the Revolutionary War, but was an insult used toward American clergy (in their characteristic black robes) who supported American independence because they believed it was their best hedge against religious tyranny. These brave clergy members supported the Holy Bible, Natural … Read more

In Which Al Mohler Does Not Kill the Fattest Snake

Introduction [BLOG & MABLOG] Mohler released a report on Southern Seminary with an accompanying letter. That letter (which has a link to the report itself) can be found here. And then also, if you want to read about the inevitable consequences of this, the utterly predictable howls of “that’s not nearly good enough, although cash might be good … Read more

Why Christians Don’t (and Won’t) Support Gun Control

Christians have a theological view of the world that is given us by the Holy Scriptures. Our epistemology, that is what we believe is true and why, is predicated upon our conviction that the 66 books known as the ‘Holy Bible’ is inspired, inerrant, sufficient, and true. In the overarching worldview through which we see … Read more

Charismatic Makes Up “Gold Dust” (Glitter) Claim

The claim of God manifesting gold dust was popularized at Bethel Church in Redding, California. Justin Peters testifies that he knows at least one individual who is responsible for putting glitter in the vents, to cause the sign-seeking congregation to go wild in ecstatic excitement at the appearance of Mammon falling from the sky. A … Read more

Feds Raid Benny Hinn Headquarters

Benny Hinn might just be asking himself if “this is his day” … that “day” being the one that finds him federally exposed as the fraud that the Biblically faithful already know him to be. According to a news report coming from the Dallas NBC affiliate, Channel 5, federal authorities have initiated a raid on … Read more