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Polemics Terms: Pharisee

IMPROPER USE A “Pharisee,” according to many who misuse the term, is a “legalist” who believes in morality and/or being theologically correct. EXAMPLES A discerning Christian points out that maybe Hillsong Church’s youth pastor shouldn’t have got on stage and danced as a naked cowboy and she is called a “Pharisee” by one who thinks … Read more

40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #19 – People Believe the World is About to End

This entry is part 18 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.” Jesus This post is the nineteenth in a series that addresses a list of “40 harmful effects of Christianity” that originated on the American Atheists Facebook page and has since made its way around the internet. In this post, I … Read more

Fahrenheit Highway 411: Matthew LeHew, Shorter University, and Ergun Caner

Originally posted by Seth Dunn HERE  “It was a pleasure to burn.” Guy Montag, from Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 Matthew LeHew Calls Out Ergun Caner Matthew LeHew “It’s simply important for all BPC stakeholders, especially the faculty and staff that make their living at the institution, to realize how serious the situation is”[1] – Matthew LeHew On or about the 10th of … Read more

Should Women Study Systematic Theology?

Women should study systematic theology. This is something I thought was obvious to other Christians walking around planet earth. Apparently it isn’t. Some controversy has arisen lately on Twitter (I’m not yet ready to call it “X”) as to whether half of the Christian population should study the various doctrines of Christianity. As far as … Read more

Elevation Worship: Manslaughter or Murder

Do you know the difference between first degree murder and second degree murder? Premediation. In other words, it’s a more serious crime to plan to kill someone and carry through with that plan than to deliberately kill someone in the heat of the moment. Do you know the difference between murder and manslaughter? Intent. It’s … Read more

Russell Moore, Tyler Zach, and the Gospel For Enneagram

Russell Moore, the former President of the ERLC and the current Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today, is a featured speaker at the upcoming (and virtual) Gospel for Enneagram Summit in April 2023. Given his extensive theological education and experience, Moore should know better than to shill for something as wicked as the Enneagram, which is either … Read more

Ain’t Gonna Play Sun City Baptist Church

In 1985 a group of popular musical acts calling themselves Artists United Against Apartheid released the song Sun City. Sun City was a resort in the internationally unrecognized and nominally independent state of Bophuthatswana, which was created by South Africa 1977 as a part of its system of apartheid. Despite the lucrative opportunities available to … Read more

Cheap Worship, Expensive Church

“It takes a lot of money to look this cheap.” Dolly Parton. Riverside Community Church is a PCA congregation that meets in Cartersville, Georgia. It does not own its own property, therefore it rents Sunday morning space in the Seventh Day Adventist building. It is a small facility and the church does not fill its … Read more

Ravi Zacharias, Jivan Spa, and Sexual Abuse: It’s Time to Speak Out

First Ballot Hall-of-Famer John Smoltz. Blue Collar Comedy Star Jeff Foxworthy. Former governor of Georgia Sonny Perdue. Former Southern Baptist Convention President and Current NAMB Vice President of Evangelism Johnny Hunt. These were the local, influential celebrity Christians who spoke, circa 2009, at the grand opening of Jivan Wellness in Johns Creek, Georgia. The new … Read more

Charismatic ‘Weather Warriors’ Try to Rebuke Hurricane Laura. It doesn’t go Well.

A charismatic prophetess and self-self-styled “weather warrior” who battles against Mother Nature and other demonic spirits set up a live stream to rebuke the hurricanes hitting the east coast, but had to postpone part of her rebuking session due to bad weather. Katt Kerr, last seen assigning 100 million angels to the Republican National Convention, … Read more

A Refutation of the ‘Theology of the City’ (Part I)

As men dressed like dancing sugar plum fairies took to the stage at Redeemer Presbyterian Church to do choreographed ballet, it finally became apparent to many evangelicals that Tim Keller’s theology was a tad different than most. But if you’ve been watching Keller’s twitter feed for any period of time, you knew that already. There … Read more

‘Woke Church’ Pastor Eric Mason Twists Scripture in Reparation Sermon: Wants 200 years of Free Tuition for Black Students

Dr. Eric Mason, pastor of Epiphany Fellowship Church in Philadelphia and author of ‘Woke Church‘ joined fellow travellers such as Thabiti Anyabwile and most folks from the Witness Black Christian Collective when he called for reparations to be paid by white folk to black folk, including centuries’ worth of college tuition, during his Sunday morning … Read more

With Latest Comments, SBC President J.D. Greear Is Officially a Race-Baiter

As another black man is shot by police after an interaction with law enforcement, Southern Baptist Convention President JD Greear has taken to social media and declared that the spine-shattering shooting happened on account of racism, an all-too-familiar pronouncement from the denominational leader who is slowly assuming the role of “Al Sharpton for Evangelicals” on … Read more